Can it also be true that we should not be putting any stock into who Glamour Magazine considers to be the woman of the year?
Nothin’ like margianlized people trying to further marginalize other people.
“Maybe we should boycott Starbucks. I don’t know. Seriously. I don’t care. By the way: That’s the end of that lease. But who cares? Who cares? Who cares? But today a big story — Starbucks is taking Merry Christmas off — no more Merry Christmas. I will tell you, lots of big things, lots of little things, but if I…
Do you only use a thermapen? The problem with the Thermapen is you can’t leave it in. You need to keep opening the oven and poking your dinner to see what the temperature is.
Do you only use a thermapen? The problem with the Thermapen is you can’t leave it in. You need to keep opening the…
There are so many reasons why this is rape it’s hard to pick one.
It amazes me how conservatives are constantly saying that everyone else is playing the victim and and pretending to be opressed, then they pull shit like this.
Why does it need to be risky to anything else? Do you not consider financial risk to be important?
Well, this is the greatest thing that has ever happened.
I get annoyed every year this time when people say they hate this switching to Daylight Saving Time. Fall is when we switch away from DST. It’s Standard Time you hate, not DST.
I get the opposite. My ‘progressive’ friends get upset when a woman takes her husband’s last name.
I miss being hotter than the Prime Minister
The idea is a good one.
Hopefully there are no bathroom doors in the house
Isn’t the whole thing her saying that what she did was not ok?
It’s true, we always want to fuck everything at all times. Except other dudes, because that would be ew-gay.
If it’s with your boyfriend you should know each other well enough to tell when things are consensual. Whether that needs to be verbal depends on both of you.
Hey, let’s make it about this guy.
Ugh, white people and Drake.
Aren’t these gold-diggers worried that with so many other gold-diggers piling on there won’t be enough of that sweet false rape accusation gold to go around?