
decked-out in Mad Men-style garb

Criticizing a movie is not telling you you’re “not allowed” to like a film.

I’ll bet you are a nice guy. Why write something so cruel?! You’re a writer!!!!

Yup, and people will spend a lot of money on those sets of 20 knives, when all you really need is a good chef’s knife and a good paring knife.

You’re saying that a woman who was raped by her father has to share society’s sympathy with a girl who had sex with a guy because he said he would marry her and then didn’t?

Cast iron is a great investment, and you can use it in the oven, too!

How do you know her experience is different than yours? have you met her? If you get to decide what her experiences are, then she gets to label herself whatever she wants.

Yeah, I’m still not seeing it. I don’t see how someone calling themselves fat who you determine not to be fat (who gets to decide who’s fat?) makes it harder for you to be taken seriously. Have you ever actually heard someone say “I don’t take your issues seriously because 140lb Jen over here thinks she’s fat too”?

Well, yeah, I read that, but maybe I somehow make far less mess than others, because dealing with a cookie sheet and broiler doesn’t seem easier that wiping a few drops of grease off the stove. And I’ve never had to batch-sear in my life.

I don’t see how this is any “easier” that using a pan.

Man, Jesus keep throwin these curve balls at us.

I am a straight CIS dude (we are capitalizing this now? ok). My slate of exes includes fat women and skinny women (as well as muscular women). Where can I collect my golden unicorn trophy?

Insisting to other people that you’re fat when you’re not actively harms people who are actually fat.

As for the wedding—bitch, this is your party, do whatever you want.

Miglore explains that this method has allowed her spinach, arugula, and lettuce avoid wilting for up to a month at a time

I can see why they’d feel this way, as no one has ever helped Hungarian refugees...

As a man who cannot control his gaze, I look forward to being way less distracted this season.

People who use the term “witch hunt” should be witch hunted.

I have heard this rule a million times and have never seen it in operation.

Do you only date people who make more than you?