
Honestly, that pissed me off. I feel like people don’t want to call them out because it’s so rare that we get films with POC as leads, but bull fucking shit. A lot of WOC, including myself, can’t stand these guys. I can separate the art from the artist, but the problem is the misogyny that characterized the artist

Let’s be real, they did not hire extra security because of theater shootings. They hired extra security because they expected high turn outs of African Americans to a movie they thought would get us riled up in this time of unrest. Which is fucked up because we’re not the ones shooting up theaters. It's connected more

“To be a woman who loves hip-hop at times is to be in love with your abuser.”

I’m quietly waiting for people to stop wasting energy on reading about and commenting on articles about people they hate.

I think the backlash is already here? Swift seems like an awful narcissist. Her feminism is white feminism that is convenient to her and it’s so gross. I feel like she and Julia Roberts are a lot alike. Joan needs to ruuuuuuun.

My mother was molested by both her oldest brother and her father. The oldest brother also molested a younger brother, who later drank himself to death. My mother tried to tell, and this was in the early 60’s. So naturally, she was sent to reform school. My grandmother spent most of the time on the couch drugged on

Dear God. I’m sending you all of the peace, kindness, and light that I have.

Each person needs to do what is best for them and their well-being. I have a few close friends who know about what happened, and just can’t understand my desire to never tell my parents. I can’t really explain it to them, but they’re supportive enough to respect it’s the decision I’ve made.

That is exactly why the molester of my children is living today. He’s living in prison, but he’s alive. My first thought when my daughter told me was that I was going to shoot him. He was asleep, I was going to shoot him. Then I had the thought “when I go to jail, who is going to be with the kids” I was able to think

Thank you, Ladyology! To add to your thought: or as though his own actions wouldn’t be what “ruined” his life. I’m a survivor of childhood sexual assault, and it always amazes me how people treat talking about what happened as if it’s worse than the act itself.

You don’t know how much these stories help other victims. I’m still coming to peace with mine.

I told my family about the neighbor years later, when I was in college. They responded with an uncomfortable silence, and it has never been brought up again. Thankfully, I have good friends that I am able to talk to (many who experienced similar things).

Yasssssss this is why Janelle is my homegirl.

Holy Christ, YAS Janelle.

I think it is because she is (generally speaking and I know I am painting with a very broad brush here, I get it) making music that is a bit more intelligent. It just never seems that intelligent music gets the love it deserves.

Likely because she has dark skin, she wears suits and doesn’t sell sex in the conventional way, is more influenced by Prince than more accessible pop stars, and is way more creative and badass than many other pop stars out today.

She’s so fucking awesome. It is beyond me how she isn’t a bigger deal, although I suspect it may have something to do with the fact that she refuses to show a lot of skin.

holy shit. that janelle monae song. art matters, yall.

You can question a person's priorities though; if you can name all 1,593 of the housewives but not one civil rights leader i reserve the right to judge your life choices.

In her defense, our gender is awful. But so is theirs, just in different ways.