Yeah, I've been searching to see if there are any 929's with chrome over the license plate and I've found nothing. Even with the distortion I think the c-pillar on the LeSabre is too thick.
Yeah, I've been searching to see if there are any 929's with chrome over the license plate and I've found nothing. Even with the distortion I think the c-pillar on the LeSabre is too thick.
that's what I think too. The still shot shows a subtle upturn that the LS doesn't have.
If you look at the rear quarter window and the c-pillar it doesn't look like a LeSabre. I'm leaning more towards a mazda 929 or millenia or something like that.
I don't know if you selected that photo ironically, but having just watched my neighbor's dead Audi get taken away on a flatbed, I laughed.
I think it is less of an issue that fuel economy can vary than it is that reported fuel economy needs to be close to what average drivers will get. This either means that the EPA test cycle is unrealistic or that automakers know the exact parameters of the test cycle and are tweaking their engine management systems to…
Saving Money.
PV=nRT just Kicked in Yo!
Oh man. Bravo! That is so many times cooler than any costume I ever created (and I was trick or treating back in 1980 too).
These are not your typical FOP booster stickers like I've seen in other places I've lived. I think here in PA you have to prove you are LEO to get the FOP license plates or the metal badge. If they were available to mere citizens there is no way cops would let people get away with obscuring their license plate number…
I'd love to video not just cops in cop cars but I'd especially love to capture how many times someone with a FOP (fraternal order of police) license plate has driven like a complete ass. I've been cut-off, passed on shoulders of residential streets, and who know what else- main thing in common: FOP…
That needs to be a bumper sticker.
Um, who are these people that have an irrational hatred of the 80's? Show me one and I'll show you someone who hasn't had fun at a wedding in the last 15 years.
Technically, I think all the manufacturers recommend that you do. That said, I've definitely ridden with a helmet that's gone through a couple of spills (if I didn't mountain biking would have been way too expensive). When you check for cracks, really push/pull/torque the helmet and see if anything is visible. The…
Amen. I've broken 3 bicycle helmets over the last 12 years and I'm a big proponent of them. I thank them for the fact that I can still ride today (and still eat, speak, think, and wipe myself). I keep the broken ones around to show neighborhood kids and my nieces and nephews, they're very effective at showing kids…
You may be right but as a father of two young girls I'm just glad there are some female celebrities (although I admit I have no idea who Demi Lovato is) that are trying, staged or not, to speak out against the 'Barbie-body' "ideal". F-Barbie. I wish I could keep her out of my daughters' lives but it is impossible, she…
I support helmet-free riding for riders that are registered organ donors. Ideally, in case they survive, they would have signed an affidavit that declares that they are such a true rebel and so free-spirited and in touch with the consequences of their actions that no one else is financially responsible for their head…
Toyota- IT'S ABOUT FREAKING TIME! I've been a bit of a Toyota fanboy since I was a teenager (a long time ago). My first car was a '76 Corolla wagon that I used to love to thrash. It wasn't fast but it made all the right noises and never broke down, no matter how much I abused it. I had a cut-away view poster of the…