Damn. I hadn't seen a picture of a race-spec Optima. It's a good looking car to begin with but in race trim it really looks fantastic.
Damn. I hadn't seen a picture of a race-spec Optima. It's a good looking car to begin with but in race trim it really looks fantastic.
Only if I entered false information when I created the account. I don't believe the law necessarily forbids creating what is essentially a duplicate account.
I did the same and finally just created a gmail account that I only use for Gawker and crap like this. I didn't link it to any existing fb or other account. I'm probably kidding myself but it will at least require them to join on one more field when they datamine.
Yes, I seem to be having a sudden allergy attack too, my eyes are a bit watery and my nose is suddenly a little runny... I need a tissue.
I'm pretty sure that's not a Lola T70, the rear spoiler and the vents behind the wheels don't look right. It looks more boxy, like a 2-litre Chevron.
HA! good observation. I was assuming it was the guy operating the throttle but you may be totally right. That would sound even more glorious it it were more free revving.
This one's been done but, damn, this is where I'd want to see those sexy intake snakes. Video because it sounds glorious!
True, there are multiple copies of it because at least one is always a decoy. The only thing better than being blast-resistant is having the blast hit the wrong car...
I've been singing that same song for a while now too. Watch Rugby- guys learn how to tackle without going head first. Watch Football and almost every player uses their helmet as a weapon.
I came here to say basically the same thing. I was actually torn about removing the statue because I believe if we simply erase bad memories then we run a higher risk of repeating the mistakes that made those memories. For instance, as a nation we have neglected and let fall into ruin many of the internment camps…
Seconded. It is all well and good for the system to warn the driver but only the driver should make the decision to hit the brakes. Sorry Bambi and Bullwinkle, but there are times when hitting the animal is the safest thing to do.
Wow, that is lovely. I'd never heard of that one.
I completely disagree. You just need to rethink about what does it mean to be environmentally friendly. Environmentally friendly does not necessarily mean slow, it can also mean being highly efficient at whatever resources it uses. By this definition, all sports cars should be environmentally friendly. It shouldn't…
Yeah, yeah, I know. Everyone is still experiencing PTSD from Oldsmobile in the 1980's.
2nd: Ok, now stop messing around and stick the hybrid drivetrain in a Sienna.
LeMons is definitely the highest and best use for this vehicle. This guy needs to get over himself and just donate it to a LeMons team.
You won't believe it but every day I bike past a mint condition Alliance Convertible parked on the street here in Philadelphia. I keep wanting to do a photo shoot of it and send it in for a Down On The Streets Bonus Edition.
As always, the answer is Miata!