@Pidgeonsplatz.: Sounds like you need a drink.
@Pidgeonsplatz.: Sounds like you need a drink.
@Elhigh: Yep, me too; but the high maintenance women can definitely be attractive. My wife won't necessarily wrench alongside but she willingly pumped the brakes when I replaced the master cylinder and said she'd be interested in taking a furniture making class with me.
@Stiglet digs on oversteer: You just need one of these.
@BtheD19: Yeah, it looks like it's been polished but no matter what that is a nice straight shot right into the combustion chamber. Sweet. I wonder how much this was dressed up for show and how smooth the production version is.
@GV_Goat:Why, yes, I occasionally get stuck in the box.
Damn. That is one fine looking intake port. Mmmm, sexy.
@Vavon: He didn't even need to read, just look at the pictures.
@mkbruin: No. Those cars were sex on wheels. IMO modern era F1 cars are rarely as sexy as Sports Prototypes.
@Elhigh: Additionally, to all those guys saying she isn't attractive, please post pics of your current wife/girlfriend; I'm sure she compares quite well with most of them. If I saw her at a bar I'd probably think she was outta my league (although learning that she works at a mag aimed at high-net worth individuals I…
@wannabezombie - I have no life: Wow, that's gorgeous. Too bad they didn't include something to hold the person's feet. The designer probably just liked the look without the footrests better so they figured they would just amputate people's legs below the knee so they didn't have to compromise the aesthetics of the…
I like how the two dudes are standing there looking around like they're waiting for something...
@RacinG73 - no I will not show you my johnson: I'm in the Philadelphia area so I may be able to help here, in Jersey that is called 'Tan'
@PotbellyJoe - Needs more laudanum, can you point me to the nearest apothecary?: That's what I was thinking. If we have banned pop-up headlights, required spring loaded hood ornaments, made explosive hood dampers [jalopnik.com] and have made all cars generally more blunt all in the name of pedestrian safety when are…
@ishigakisensei: I heard that she is suing. [news.nationalpost.com] Really pathetic.
@tonyola: a non-modded CRX in 2026? That would be a rare car indeed; it would have to be a barn find.
@brandegee: With the exception of buyers that do not read reviews, test drive anything else, or are visually impaired and do not see the fugly, I think Mitsubishi has been courting the buyers with bad credit as a way to sell their cars + SUVS except for the Evo and that's how a lot of people end up in an Endeavor. I…
@LoganSix: Speaking of trooper's hats, can anyone explain why troopers wear their chin straps under their lip instead of under their chin? I've always thought it looks supremely stupid and oddly anachronistic.
@ReverendDexter: That's brilliant. Kind of like how you're supposed to add "in bed." to the end of every fortune cookie sentence. I might have to do that everytime I read the word "children".