Not That Al

@jalopnikfan: Please tell me that is still M-B powered, not a SBC. That would make it supremely awesome.

@$kaycog: Hmmm, Skaycog getting happy when she sees a GT40... Who would've guessed?

@Hoser Dave: Holy Crap! That's awesome! That would definitely make me smile. That is brilliant advertising.

@Brian: Cogito Ergo ZOOM!: Excellent call. I also can't see one without thinking of Sigmund the Seamonster; IIRC the guys that hung out with Sigmund drove one.

NA Miatas, especially in the snow.

@TouchMyMonkey: I totally agree, I'd like to know more if some of this 'deception' was somehow related to getting approval for the $7500 tax credit. I'm in favor of some subsidies to improve technology but $7500 per unit seems excessive (although I haven't done the comparison to the tax break that encouraged Hummer

@Tommy861: Yes, I know. I can't help it. I'm being generous because I really love these cars.

@Flat6-PΩWER ™: Yeah, that's how GM went bankrupt in the first place, because they were so good at over-delivering...

@Tommy861: Agreed. It also signifies that the owner had questionable judgment which makes one wonder about the other issues you will find once you start to tinker on it. Why would you delete the heater? Too cheap to replace a leaky core? Weight savings (on a street car)???? I love these cars but leaky turbo and

@SlowMo: Or the Lotus 11, also Coventry Climax powered.

Lovely. It would have competed against some other lovely 1100cc sports racers of the era like the Lola Mk1.

@Roberto G.: I agree (if you're being serious), I think once the iQ/Aston fall in price to where they should have been all along (cheap) they'll be a pretty good find. I think they're really rather funky in a sort of ironic way, but not the annoying-hipster-ironic way.

@Ray Wert: Ahh, thanks for the explanation. I was baffled too. I was thinking, "What the hell does Favre drive? is it in the pics with his dick? Is that why this is on Jalop? I'm not sure I want to watch the video to find out."

@Triborough: Sadly I'm afraid you may be right. I look at all of these touch screen thingys and other integrated computer doo-dads (like that horrible pop-up shifter on the jaguar) and I think, "Wow, how the hell are you going to fix that when it is 15 years old?" This already applies to some other cars that could

@KeyserSöze: Yes. I was looking for the right word to capture my sentiments and that will do nicely.