
I feel his pain. I still get chills thinking about the day the UN Security Council voted that instant replay be allowed to review pass interference in AMERICAN football. 

Here, I made this to help with the visual. Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Christie tried going to a public beach, but the people from Green Peace kept trying to roll him into the ocean.

ugh, more soccer flipflopping.

Got kicked out for banging on the glass?! Man that’s crazy!! Sorry we just won two fights!

If they’re looking for an unoccupied space that’s hosted bowls, how about Mark Davis’ head?

What distance could a football be punted by you?

i was going to refute your poor opinion with the clever use of meme but i found a better option

Pretty disgusting that Manning would use this opportunity to shill for Budweiser. Especially when he owes this win to Miller.

So, a Ferrari with a manual 'box was sold at auction. Who'd they get to drive it home? A Porsche owner?

Anchor Julie Stewart-Binks suggested he should dance for her.

Look I know everyone wants to make this about “corporate greed” but I think Jed York is a pretty classy guy for not imposing a bunch of houseguests on Jim Tomsula.

That must be the most infuriated she’s been in all her 4 years as a Seahawks fan.

“It’s a lease!” He said as he extended his right foot forward on the accelerator.

What’s his grammar and grammpar got to do with it?

Judging by the grammar, 100%.

He’s more like a stormtrooper, missing all those shots.

How about something ridiculously classic like a Model T or something? Would that be too expensive? It surely wouldn’t depreciate.