Damn. I just promised my wife I wouldn't go over $687.
Damn. I just promised my wife I wouldn't go over $687.
I myself was not.
Was hoping for the Chronicles of Riddick games. So good. I'll never be a happy person.
Exactly. Thought we were having another Hot Coffee incident.
“Best part of San Andreas is leaving San Andreas” headline is confusing. Read entire article to find out why the best part of San Andreas was being taken away. Only after finishing did I finally read the headline properly. Sort of like an M. Night twist, but revealed right at the beginning, but only understandable at…
I’m sorry to hear you're expiring this summer.
Thanks for the great post and the context within. How old are you?
The post that keeps coming back again and again -- funny I was already feeling old when I wrote it and THAT was now nearly a decade ago. Now, I feel fucking ANCIENT.
It looks like a girl is hugging a gigantic poop.
I had that happen over and over again as head of the UFCW (which is actually pretty powerful here still, amazingly) for 2 years. People would call and SCREAM at me about the 25 that was removed from their paycheck every month for dues. The paycheck where they were making nearly DOUBLE what the non-unionized grocery…
Unions have been weakened since the day Reagan went ballistic and fired 11000 air traffic controllers for striking. After that, all bets were off. People fought like hell for to unionize and because of that unions became prominent in the late 30s/early 40s but their time at the top was only a few decades and Reagan…
Mode 7 is the greatest thing ever created. Super Nintendo games still have the graphics that appeal to me more than any other and that is thanks to that engineering marvel. Sure, RDR2 — my game of the year 2018 — is technically more impressive, but Mode 7 in games is analogous to stop motion in those old Christmas…
If you own both the XboxX (XXX?) and PS4, why would you play muti-plat games that are resoundingly superior tech-wise on the XXX on the PS4? Games like RDR2 and AC? Because of the exclusives, until this year, I did the lion’s share of gaming on the PS4. But this year, for the first time, thanks to lengthy games like…
Woah, woah, woah, WOAH, now! Octopath Traveler is in a three-way tie as my 2nd favorite game of the year (after Red Dead 2 and with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and God of War) and is my favorite JRPG since the first Ni no Kuni. If I’m being totally honest, it’s probably my favorite JRPG since Paper Mario: Thousand Year…
This game is such a disaster. As someone whose save has me at ten DAYS in Fallout 4 and who knows anymore how much time I put into 3 (at least 120 hours) and around 100 hours into New Vegas, I wanted to like it so much, but I so much didn’t. I did the Stress Test and the first day of the B.E.T.A. and I never came back…
I hate those things so damn much.
Is it as cool as saying, “woke”?
I’m a pretty Liberal long-long-long time reader of Kotaku and usually defend the hell out of this kind of article, but this one did seem to be taking things way too seriously. Just the last line reading, “For myself, though, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief” made me roll my eyes. This is probably the first…
Gran Turismo was and is one of the best selling games for the Playstation consoles. They’re far, far from “niche” games.
The gold edition is complete with all DLC, outfits, etc.