
It is a glitch. It stopped when my character was made General in Sanctuary. Right after that moment, the crafting stuff worked and the button was no longer greyed out. I’ve asked others and they said it worked well before they were made General, so it being a glitch is the only explanation. Yeah, that old bag is

I found that and it still does not let me press the craft button. It’s greyed out. It shows I have way more than enough of the items I need (for example, I need 3 of something, I think and I have 537), but won’t let me craft the damn thing.

It actually is, though.

My order, from best to worst (I have one on my page as well, from way back in the pre-remake days):

There are shadows, they’re just not used consistently. When they are used, they range from “the sun must be straight overhead” tiny to, “woah, my shadow looks like a giant” huge. I did a screengrab once, just because of how awesome a shadow looked. So they’re there and can even sometimes look top-notch. Now, if I

I can’t do the building beds or building a fitted chair quests. It literally won’t let me hit the “X” button to craft. The option is greyed out. This is on the PS4.

Thanks again. Could you let me know if my game is glitching? It will not even let me make the custom chair for that junkie woman. The option to craft is there, but it’s greyed out. Is that normal? Is there some perk I’m missing? I have all the parts.

I try not to watch commercials. Especially for games I’m going to buy, movies I’m going to watch or books I’m going to read. What’s the point?

I think it’s because I DON’T play in linear fashion. I never finished the first mission that trained most to craft.

You’ve given me shitty advice. I’ve literally been playing Fallout since launch weekend of the original game on the PC. I love these fucking games. I don’t know why I’d wait just so you could jerk off, play first and feel superior as you ejaculate.

I found the quest, but all options to build are greyed out. I can’t even build that druggy’s custom chair.

Did you have all the parts and were you STILL unable to make something as simple as a couch? Cuz, as it stands, I have like 500 times the parts needed and still can’t make a single thing in a settlement.

Yes. I did all that. I’m starting to wonder if my game has a known glitch, or something? I’ve went way past that point, went back, have at least ten times the minimum parts needed and every single “create” box is greyed out. I literally can’t create shit in the settlement. If this is a glitch, I’m forever done with

If you don’t read the fucking manual, you deserve to suck. If there isn’t a fucking manual to read, the game sucks. That simple.

I get what you’re saying and I agree, actually. It’s just that EVERY SINGLE “NEXT-GEN” game has felt last-gen and I’ve been super disappointed with all of them. I don’t feel Fallout 4 is any worse than the rest. That isn’t a compliment to Fallout 4. This PS4/Xbone gen is pathetic, embarrassing and it’s too bad it ever

I will forgive no cat.

That’s cuz you play an open-world game in a linear fashion, which makes me wonder why you play an open-world game in the first place.

But that’s not true. At least it isn’t ALWAYS true. I clearly didn’t choose the right perks and, despite having played for over ten hours and having WAY MORE PARTS than I need, I can’t create a single thing for these pathetic welfare queens. So now what?

I don’t think I ditched them, but I’ve completely ignored them because they reminded me of teabaggers.

If you mean Fallout Shelter, I kicked ass at that. I ended up being in the top 100 players. Probably because that app/game explained itself.