
Shhh... you just said the quiet part out loud.

If an AI can do my job while I’m on vacation, I will not have a job to come back to.

I knew I had PTSD from something like this from decades ago.

I’m having Half-Life flashbacks

I’ve seen shirtless, barefoot tweakers scale razor wire fences and broken glass covered ledges to steal copper from a rooftop in broad daylight.

I hope that didn’t come across as my supporting such actions. I do not and never will understand people who derive joy from denying simple existence to others.

I wonder if that smokestack articulates to hit cyclists and the occasional Prius.

Any diesel Bro Truuuuuuuuuk.
Seriously, if you drive one of these things, fuck you.

I remember Car and driver reviewing and suggesting that it would be better if Subaru built it with a permanent truck cap and called it the outback.

Frustrating as it may be, it’s also important to remember that he already has every single vote he’s going to get. He has no way to grow his support, because he’s so toxic. So while his supporters are loud, and fervent, they are also shrinking, they are exhausted, they are hated, and many of them are tired of

We’ll just have to hope that it sours enough middle-right voters to make his chance of winning in November even lower.

could barely pull a piece of string out of a cat’s ass

This truck’s actual utility is informing those around you that you are a d-bag. 

I completely disagree. The Blackwood was the forefront of what see on the roads today—behemoth crew cab pickups with dinky beds that are option-loaded so they cost an eye-watering $70K to $100K. Since the roads are full of Blackwood clones nowadays, the original must be one of the (ugh) best since so many pickups

I wish my dad could have seen this.

An oldie, but still a goodie:

He finally won the unanimous popular vote fair and square!

This explains the big uptick in MAGAt and Kremlin-bot crying everywhere.

Still not over folks, if you’re registered to vote, head to a poll, or fill out your paper ballot and send it in. DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY GOP candidate and vote dem. If you’re eligible and not registered, register asap.

Whatever issues you have with the dems, and there are many legit ones, we can not let the party that

Fundamentally, the films are about the little guy standing up to abusive power