
You seem more concerned with people getting to know that a 40-something-year-old weirdo sent sexually explicit messages to a minor, than the act of a 40-something-year-old weirdo sending sexually explicit messages to a minor.

I for one welcome our new princess of darkness

Interesting that they don’t mention Aubrey Plaza’s role. That can only mean one thing:

A depository for Nazis, racists, skinheads, Christofascists and other lower lifeforms.

Some old, dead social media site. 

Why do they have to make iOS worse, just pick an android device if you want android.

It is almost always more damaging in the long run. We always try to say the ends justify the means but usually the people that run these ops are so short sighted they can’t even see the ends. Sure they might be working towards a goal, like to undermine confidence in a certain government, but it comes with lasting

I’m sure it was pure coincidence too that anti vaxxers overwhelming support Trump, that Trump started it. Why Biden let it continue is an open question though. 

Well said. Not the time to try to convince people that masks don’t work or that vaccines are dangerous. This makes me angry with my own country’s government, and for once Cheetolini is not the only one at fault.

I’m not necessarily against psi-ops campaigns, b/c they do have their place and uses in regards to national security and interests, but this is one that didn’t seem necessary, needed, or helpful. If anything it only served to fuel the anti-vax movement which has been detrimental to our collective public health the

Jfc this country is evil.

Abort yourself, nobody will miss you.

Nobody cares. He’s not running for office you halfwit.

Yeah and notice literally NONE of us are whining about a “rigged court room,” “weaponized DOJ,” “conflicted judge,or it’s all a “witch hunt?” Somehow I doubt you have the same maturity level as the rest of us. 

Yeah, it wonderful they found him guilty on all 34 counts...oh wait, that was the felon Trump.

No one can even see 8k, so it is ridiculous that there is a market for it.

Yeah a convicted felon for the presidency is a great idea!

Silicon Valley has always been a place for unconventional thinkers with big ideas...”

Literally when has this ever been true? This cohort is the most chickenshit Emperor’s New Clothes Groupthink cargo cult possible, particularly once any of them actually get money.

Plus, a lot of the names on this list *were already

More examples of how being rich doesn’t mean you have common sense.  You get lucky with some geeky idea and then suddenly your accountant is telling you how Biden is taking a big chunk of your money and you turn into a libertarian.  Forget about the hundreds of ways Trump is worse than Biden - Trump will cut my

They can blow as much smoke as they want and spout catchy phrases like “radicalization to the center” (while supporting the farthest radical right-wing candidate ever) but I’m sure what it comes down to is they just want less taxes for their rich asses and less regulation so they can bleed more money off their