
“Have fun storming the space station!”

It’s always projection with the fuckers.

Judge Carol E. Jackson: Religious freedom is “a shield, not a sword,” she said, and religious liberty claims cannot be used as a “means to force one’s religious practices upon others.”

There is nothing in the Koran suggesting gay people should be killed.  Homophobia among Muslims is the same as homophobia among Christians.  It’s just straight-up homophobia wrapped in a bogus religious justification.

Conservatives weaponized healthcare from day one.

If your religion doesn’t want you to stop AIDS, it’s possible your religion may not be contributing positive moral value to your life.

This is a terrible ruling.  Not covering PrEP doesn’t prevent gay sex; it just promotes gay sickness and death.  No legitimate religion has a legitimate interest in making gay people get sick and die.

They should scrap all the rest of them while they’re at it.

Because those folks are dumbasses.

I admit I think that R and D are pretty much the Coke and Diet-Coke version of conservative politics, but it’s very easy to see how much worse the R’s are and how little they give a shit about other people who aren’t themselves.  D’s at least try to give a shit.

In other words, they’re actually center-right and finally admitting that the Democrats are the same despite years of being painted as evil Communists. That’s the dirty little secret of American politics - Reagan and his successors have dragged the Overton window so fucking far to the right that mainstream Democrats

I love, LOVE, to throw this St Raygun, the unimpeachable, story when someone makes a point about California gun laws being made by Nazis. And I agree with them, and then drop that knowledge. It’s unbelievable how quickly they make excuses for him. Or that it wasn’t really for the Panthers, blah blah. Cult members, the

I walked out of The Last Jedi enjoying the idea that the force is in all of us. What a great message for children (the real audience for these movies.)

Hilarious tale.

It’s better than their original choices, Army, Navy, and Surplus.

If only conservatives and the conservative media would stop excusing the illegal behavior of people like Trump.

For the same reason Black people availing themselves of their 2nd amendment rights as freely as white people in 1967 made ol’ Uncle Ronnie Reagan pass gun control laws in California. Not some pinko hippie who didn’t want open carry, but Saint Ronald of the Divinely Conservative, Mr Star Wars himself.

Why can't black people decide laws don't apply to them just like white people do?  See: Cliven Bundy, Donald Trump, et al.?

Honestly, I have to get this off my chest... my love of the automotive industry is what turned me away from the right-wing.

I was massively GOP for a long time, thanks to my father. He was a Limbaugh/Drudge/FoxNews addict. Otherwise a good, decent man, but a lifetime of believing right-wing propaganda. I, personally,

Air, rain, clouds, the joy felt when seeing a child smile, pity that some people are so salty at their sad existences that they can’t enjoy free things, joy felt from watching boomers turn red in the face from watching Fox News.

Range Rovers are convincing proof that money doesn’t buy sense. Despite decades-long history involving a constellation of equipment and engine failures, and despite the fact that a good off-roader that will actually start, stop and go reliably can be had for 1/5 the price of a topline Range Rover, people still buy