
dude, nobody gets this rich from working super hard. 

It’s not unusual for people who grew up in socialist countries (esp. Eastern Europe) to lean towards the right-wing politically. I’m sure Russian coal-baron Gennady Ayvazyan worked very hard. His partner in the coal business is Iskander Kakhramonovich Makhmudov, who should be familiar as one of Russia’s top

Words words words.  Until they change their actual votes, I don’t give a shit about their loss of sleep.  They could have avoided that at any point if they had been willing to think on their own, or willing to listen to anyone other than the crazies they embrace as their base.

The owner is one Gennady Ayvazyan, a Russian coal trader (and probably a douchebag).

People who own yachts did not achieve success honestly.

That sentence you quoted didn’t strike me as sour or jealous at all. It is you who is reading way too much into this.

Also, this yacht has insurance.

It eased into the water like an old man into a nice warm bath.

In Soviet Russia, yacht seizes you!

Oligarch- you try to seize my yacht now, ha !

I think what we’re seeing is the tech industry has become so massive it is actually collapsing into a singularity and subsequently getting sucked up inside of its own asshole.

Took the words right out of my mouth. Just because there’s a work around doesn’t mean we have to be happy about it.

Just because there’s a workaround doesn’t make it okay for them to post everything as slideshows these days. Before the end of 2022 we are going to see regular articles as slideshows too, each paragraph getting its own slide.

I saw somewhere that a few RWNJ were claiming the FBI planted the documents there. That sounds like one Donny will repeat.

Wow... just, wow. How limber are these people that they’re able to bend so far backwards to stick their heads up their assess?

likes to keep souvenirs is called stealing if you arent rich.

Wasn’t this the start of the John Wick movie?

  • Hey. Sell me your car.

Great job guys, truly first rate:

This is utterly mindboggling. A slide show made entirely out of text. It’s like the world’s laziest Powerpoint presentation from 1998.

That’s not the solution. The solution is no slide shows. We’re not looking at vacation photos.