
They expect so little because it’s all projection, and they’re all still immature children with inferiority complexes and a need to have their hands held through life.

I love the first stat on that Dan McLaughlin tweet, the one that says 80% of households were made up of married couples in the 1970s as opposed to only 49% in 2020—because it shows how terribly misinformed about history he is. Why might it be that 80% of households were married couples in the 1970s? How about because

The incels and religious right—the unholiest of all unions.

Again and again, this is partly religious and partly economic. Before women poured into the workforce in the late 60s/early 70s, your average white man had an unpaid indentured servant who performed cooking, housework and childcare in exchange for free room and board, leaving Daddy free to smoke and work. This was

The “truckers” are alt-right neo-fascists whos main goal was to violently dispose of PM Trudeau. The leaders used swastikas, yellow stars and other fascist and alt-right symbols during protests they did before this one. The whole anti-vaccination ploy is but a cover to reach their political goals. Most of them are

“truckers” are a small subset of the problem. People are being deliberately manipulated by hidden forces. Hate them. Whomever they are. 

THIS! People seem to have a hard time understanding that we have plenty of capacity, and that this pipe was to transport oil to export overseas

Nazi Brownshirts are weird like that.

The problem? They’re funded and organized by Americans. It’s a few rabble rousers who are getting paid HEAVILY through international funding campaigns who are getting to go to war against the state and think they’re going to topple Trudeau, while Republicans are publicly fellating them.

What I still can’t wrap my head around is why the Russian incursion into Ukraine is suddenly news; Russia invaded Ukraine nearly 10 years ago. We’ve even been fighting a proxy war over there using Blackwater for nearly just as long.

Your comment makes no sense, is ill-informed, and you can’t spell.

In a week, I’ve gone from thinking self-driving trucks probably shouldn’t be a thing to “how soon can we do this?”

You’re certainly right about America’s hat, cause as my mom says, you lose 90% of your heat from an uncovered head, but how does shutting down a pipeline that never existed raise gas prices.

Truck driver here and fuck all these whiny babies who don't want to be required to eat their vegetables. My company has all freight to Canada embargoed right now because of this nonsense. They can kiss my fully vaccinated and boosted ass. I work with a bunch of anti government types who won't get the shot but they are

“Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.”

Tucker Carlson yesterday: “Oh my god, why does everyone keep talking about Russia and Ukraine?! What happens in other countries is none of our business! Let Putin do whatever he wants!

these people are not Truckers. They just happen to have trucks. Something like 90% of truckers are vaxxed, and want nothing to do with these people. THE largest unions and companies, and the lobbying arm have all come out strongly against these people.

That’s what happens when you’ve been huffing tailpipe fumes - both from the truck and the right wing leaders

But see they are supported by millions, nay, BILLIONS of patriots! Ready to stand and fight against getting a shot!!!

Of all the industries that are potentially threatened by automation, trucking is among the most vulnerable. That’s something like 3.36m blue collar jobs that pay relatively well and don’t involve body-destroying labor.