
Yeah it drives home the notion of “Billionaires could never spend all of their money.” It’s so true that Billionaires leverage that fact to be able to open lines of credit with banks to spend effectively infinite money and even if their companies collapse... they’ll still probably not spend more than the balance of

The law was changed. Just a few years ago. To give rich people even more tax breaks.

Just because something is legal now doesn’t mean it should be legal forever.

Let’s start with a return to Reagan’s top tax rate (50%), and go from there.  

We’re trying to change the laws, but the lobbying that the billionaire class does to prevent those laws from changing is hard to overcome. It’s almost like this isn’t as fucking simple as the bullshit “they’re not breaking the law” mentality that idiots like you routinely have.

I love the dick flute solos in the comments defending this, have some morals man.

So you’re taking a statement I deliberately put out to show that someone’s argument makes no sense to argue that it makes no sense? Really?

Sadly, I think that ultimately the rich are going to jump onto the end-run on democracy the Republicans are currently engineering, and install a “competent Trumpite” in 2024 who will ensure that a far right administration with full military control and militias instilling fear in the populace, will tamp down any

Shoe leather is an acquired taste. It’s one that I have no desire to acquire. However, I have always found it shocking how many people enthusiastically line up to do so.

we should tax wealth. 

If I were doing PR for these ultra-rich people, I’d advise them to pay some taxes.  Take steps to reduce them, but make sure to pay enough to impress most people, and enough so that the tax rate isn’t ultra-low.  They have enough money that spending some on taxes is better than buying bad PR.

We’re not talking about Tesla’s corporate taxes here, we’re talking about Elon Musk, the individual who reported $3.85 million in income in 2018 and paid a little over $8k in taxes. I paid way more than that.

Tesla is a publicly traded company; Elon Musk is an employee of that company.

So how to claim my losses from my investments at local grocery stores and gas stations?

The poor pay more and more. The rich pay less and less.

It’d be a lot easier to change the laws if the billionaires, who these tax laws are designed to protect, can throw essentially unlimited money at politicians to ensure that it never changes. It’s not like people haven’t been trying. For decades. We can’t afford to buy politicians, they can.

yup.  Just keep nibbling on that boot.  Must taste soooo good.

Question asked and question answered in your comment. People are obsessed with this because it illustrates how our tax laws unfairly benefit billionaire parasites, and need to change.

You do realize that his wealth and power allow him to influence the people who write the laws, yes? It's not that simple.

Even Buffet has that line about “wanting to pay more tax” and being supportive of higher taxes for the rich. Meanwhile he continues to not pay more, cause he doesn’t have to. (I think Gates has said this too)

Just following the tax law that the people we elected put into place.  Don’t like it?  Change who you vote for.  Problem is though, both Republicans AND Democrats that are willing and able to run for office are largely millionaires or more and want to also pay little to no tax.  It’s fuck the middle class all around.