
Such a nice jewish girl taking a cool half-million from a Nazi billionaire. This is the genius that is America!

Quid pro quo for free Twitter campaign advertising? Heck no, just a happy accident in timing!  Uncanny, really.

Fash gonna fash.

It is, since the proper spelling is g*y*pped, not g*i*p.

The man puts his full ass on display in all of the varied arts, sciences, and other works of man. Truly, a complete renaissance idiot. 

The new CEO who just landed a glass cliff position worked in the Trump admin, and the blue-check intellectual geniuses over on the bird app are flipping out.

Haha, Ted is dumb? No, he meant to do that. It’s a message to his voting base that a black man is running against him. Doesn’t matter who, and his voters shouldn’t look beyond the skin color to find out more.

Narrator:  He won’t.

Lots of artists are horrible people; it’s about the same percentage as you find horrible people in society. (Oh, the dirt you learn at a writer’s convention...) If you dig deep enough you’ll find out horrible things of least one artist you personally enjoy. That being said, while I like the *idea* of separating the art

Tucker’s out because he admitted to hating and despising Trump (evidence that came out in the Dominion lawsuit)

Musk buys Twitter, turns it into his own self-serving, autocratic, Truth Social site, wonders why everyone is bailing and revenue is crashing. Here’s a hint: it’s all the Nazis.

The only fix is to get rid of news entirely on FB, which won’t happen because rich creepy tech moguls want their bullhorn.

Sturgeon’s Law:  “90 percent of everything is crap.”  Applies to all genres, all works highbrow and lowbrow.

It’s pretty easy to make a ruling ‘as soon as possible’ when you already knew what your ruling was going to be.

FB and Instagram dropping news? As the kids would say, nothing of value was lost. They only want the news so they can put their own editorial spin on it. If Zuck wants a bullhorn so damn bad, he can rent or buy one like everyone else.

I was talking about how our lives are now *shorter* and we’re dying earlier by an average of 3 years, but yeah the lost time (before, and after) is a thing too.

I’d be happy to just get the 3 years lifespan back that we’ve lost to Covid.

If you don’t want to dump a ton of cash on the Black Library for the lore (HERESY!), just do a search online for the ‘Warhammer 40k fluff bible’

You missed a big one:  Ciaphas Cain.

The shows weren’t quite the same, the original leaned heavily into the secret ingredient, the US version leaned heavily into chefs and their personalities.  I found the original fascinating, the US version boring.