
I suppose if you’re right-wing gooning with all your new deplorable besties, you have to go all-in on the lunatic theology. They don’t get nuance.

Who are the paid hacks telling the leadership, ‘downplay it, nothing to see here, ignore it, it’s not a thing, don’t pay attention to it and you’ll get more votes that way” and why are they advising both parties?

“I’m losing sleep over how I voted!”

Probably not the last shipment, because they don’t actually have their alternatives online yet.

Ds need to do what they can’t be assed to do, *vet* the primary candidates. Rs have that shit down, they scour your bonafides, look at your credentials, shut down your chance to upset their primary if you aren’t the perfect R soldier.

Its amazing that the voters constantly have to beat the ruling Ds over the head to get them to simply give out stuff rather than having to navigate some non-Euclidian maze of public or private bureaucracy.

Sometimes drunk drivers steer right at the bright and shiny things.  Just ‘sayin.

They also stay on mainstream platforms to recruit.

This BS should have been fixed by legislation two years ago.  What’s the holdup?

They want people to die.  There’s no getting around this.  They’re not ignorant, they’re not misinformed, they’re not gullible.  They don’t want to get stuck with a needle, and they don’t care who dies in the process of their caterwauling.

Sony’s NFT baby Jesus needs to be strangled in his cradle.

This is all about the CDC deciding that hundreds of thousands of people all out sick at once will cause massive disruptions to the economy for months. That’s not their damn job to decide.

I’ll care about their bundled services the moment they give me a FOX-free bundle option. I’m never going to give $24 per year of a cable bill to FOX.

Never stop tinkering with something that costs $20 to manufacture until you can get your costs down to $15.

The AG should be charged with murder. Of course it would take a new AG to do that.

A job traditionally done by older or retired drivers with terrible pay, and you ferry around a bunch of unvaccinated plague-rats?  It’s a mystery why they can’t find people.

So which CPAC is being held in an Eastern European dictatorship?  I lose track.

This list is missing Revolutions.  You’ll thank me later.

Unions are a *good* thing. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you pull yourself out of gig-economy serfdom.

SCOTUS has the power (or the very existence) of regulatory agencies in their gunsights. Destroying the EPA is just happy collateral in their quest to destroy regulatory governance; FDA, CDC, NLRB, FAA, OSHA, NHSTA, FCC, FDIC, USDA, etc.