
“Bawls.” That little prick doesn’t have a dick big enough to “ball” his own eyes out, no matter how flexible his back is.

The president was correct in his assessment: These fine people from one side are going to the inside of of a fine jail. And I am fine with that. Fine people on both sides.

Given his love of Hochuli, I can’t see Kavanaugh closing the gun show loophole anytime soon.

Because most Christians are the biggest hypocrites in the world and choose what to believe in their religion instead of following all of it. The religious people around here are mostly extremely judgy and rude when you dont believe the same things that they do

Bingo! Trump IS a one-man “perjury trap”.... all you have to do is ask him about Topic A, and you’ll get a half-hour of blather in which he freely admits to committing Crimes B, C and D.

... not to mention the hacking & theft of the DNC’s campaign analytics by certain hackers working for a certain other candidate.

I don’t understand how people are still blaming the DNC for losing the election. Clinton won by nearly 3 million votes. Our reliance on an antiquated Electoral system, combined with a healthy dose of GOP voter suppression and gerrymandering is what cost her the election in 2016.

How can you plead guilty to a non-crime in court and face five or so years in federal prison for such a pleading?

if the last couple years have taught us anything, it’s that...

We'll stop calling you nazis when you STOP ACTING LIKE FUCKING NAZIS, dumbass.

Counterpoint: nah. 

I am NO fan of fuckface and asshat, but I gotta say that the context that’s presented of, “Don’t do this to me”, is very misleading. Obviously, what he meant was, “don’t rub your forehead in disdian to me, youre not listening to my point”...and his point is also valid...If Trump says one thing and Comey says another,

Impeach Trump and the party that put him there. The Republicans are nothing short of a nazi regime. They cannot have been more blatant about it. It’s time to put them down like a rabid dog. We did not fight a world war against these people only to be ruled by them. They are all culpable. Make them carry that burden to

McGhan is a fucking ganster’s gangster. His dad was Cheeto’s fucking real estate lawyer. His criminal lawyer. IYKWIM. McGhan told Sally Yates to bud out and let Flynn in for the 12 days he managed before being yanked out by his wig.

Of course he does. He always has. His whole world has just four categories of people:

Yerp. Their long game is a constitutional convention - where they will basically gut the Bill of Rights.

Nice shot, man 

I hope he Budd Dwyer-s himself in the oval office