
Prosecutors called for Papadopoulos to be sentenced to

I don’t give a fuck about that murderous traitor.

I have a bad feeling this case’ll have a hung jury due to a hardcore Trumpet.

It’s enforceable even if they say it isn’t enforceable, the President can enforce the unenforceable, he’s the President.”

I thought “Agent Orange” was Trump’s KGB code name?


I need to be lectured by some ignorant white boy about MLK Jr’s protest tactics like I need a hole in the head.

I’m more than fine with pelting Nazis/White SUpremacists with water bottles and telling them to fuck off. That’s getting off very lightly.

HamNo showed up. What the fuck did you do? I mean besides sit on your ass and mock the people willing fight your battles for you.

MLK got killed. It took many riots before the the Acts were passed.

Thank god all that non-violence got everybody through WW2 safely.

Punching Nazi’s will never not be an absolute good.

How on earth did we get to this point, where these fucks are so comfortable and confident in their hate that they don’t even feel the need to wear hoods anymore? And how many silently walk among us, privately sympathize with these hateful ideologies?

I think that’s it in a nutshell. He wanted Obama to love him and Obama called him a fool and became friends with JaYonce. If they get to have a presidential friend than so does Kanye (he thinks like a child). And also agreed on the bipolar disorder. He needs to sitdown with his Netflix and watch Nanette; treating

Regrettably it is ‘shopped. But this isn’t.

Mine’s Skull. 

For the uninitiated,swatting is a harassment tactic low level form of attempted murder by cop. 

Love to do crimes with my good buddy Paul. “Paul the Criminal” we used to call him. Sharp dresser. Fucking loves rugs. Good guy to do crimes with. If I regret anything, it would not be the crimes, but the fact that Paul and I were so bad at editing PDFs.