Meh, haters gonna hate, whining about Bioware characters being poorly animated is just so absolutely laughable. The game is pretty dang good and definitely sets them up for future success.
Meh, haters gonna hate, whining about Bioware characters being poorly animated is just so absolutely laughable. The game is pretty dang good and definitely sets them up for future success.
Well that’s good news. As someone who likes to go to all the planets, getting rid of that sequence will be a help. I’ve kinda taken a who cares attitude about the facial stuff. It’s not enough to lessen the story for me, but a fix is welcome.
Because that’s only happened on a few rare occasions...
I’ve played through as much of the single player as the trial lets me. It totaled between 5-7 hours, and in that time there was once that the animation really distracted me from the game. They’re not great, but the internet has overblown how bad they are way too much. I was incredibly nervous going in because of all…
They’re pretty bad at times haha. But the gameplay and story definitely have me intrigued enough to continue the story Tuesday
I am and I know a number of people who are too. Combat and multiplayer is what for me and what I am hearing got a lot of people decided on as the reason to purchase the game. Also game reminds people of ME1 but with much better combat and vehicle control. (Most if not all criticism has been an extreme overreaction to…
Firstly, they pretend hate any “AAA” developer. And I mean pretend hate because at the end of the day, that’s the only games these type of gamers will buy. They don’t want anything below max res and fps. Hardware and specs are the only thing that matters. Fun is for beta cucks.
That is about the least offensive joke I’ve heard in a while...I think I made a worse one to my wife on women’s day.
It’s the top-rated game on BoardGameGeek. If any game deserves hyperbolic salesmanship, this one does.
It’s the top-rated game on BoardGameGeek. If any game deserves hyperbolic salesmanship, this one does.
I’m about 8 (in-game) months in, and yes, it’s easily the best board game I’ve ever played. As you said, you definitely need a committed group of 4 to enjoy it though, so that could be limiting to some people.
I’m about 8 (in-game) months in, and yes, it’s easily the best board game I’ve ever played. As you said, you…
But it’s 100% true. You should buy it. Everyone should buy it. Pandemic Legacy is revolutionary to board games, and every deserves a chance to play it.
But it’s 100% true. You should buy it. Everyone should buy it. Pandemic Legacy is revolutionary to board games, and…
I say this every time the topic comes up, but Pandemic Legacy is, hands-down, the best board game I’ve ever played. I played with a quite capable team (I was the least experienced) and it consistently requires four actively involved people to eke the most out of every twist the game throws at you. The balance in…
I say this every time the topic comes up, but Pandemic Legacy is, hands-down, the best board game I’ve ever played.…
It’s a game with a f2p business model, that you have to pay for. It’s a fun game, but I don’t understand why it doesn’t get any criticism.
I think Blizzard devs just though they could compete well in the class based FPS genre. I mean since Warcraft: Orcs and Humans this has always bee Blizzard’s design: Rounding out the edges of an established idea and making it their own.
ermahgerd, another Overwatch article. Just change the site to Koverwatchku and be done with it. /s
OMG I am that Ruby cosplay <3
Reason #1A to join the glorious console gaming race.... no aimbots, no wallhacks, none of it. Ever.
Well, the “troll” part of what I’m trying to improve about multiplayer survival games got magnified out of proportion in this conversation. Yeah, maybe this will improve trolling problems, maybe, but I don’t necessarily view trolling as a huge problem looking for a solution. Instead, I’ve been wondering why SOCIETY…
Good God I wish people who said stupid shit like this...
Many an eyeball was lost to our games of Sharpy-Stick McStabby-Eye. Good times... Good, terrifying, times.