That’s a lot of bullshit to say you don’t want to pay for entertainment. Just say “I’m a cheap ass and don’t want to pay for entertainment.” Simple.
That’s a lot of bullshit to say you don’t want to pay for entertainment. Just say “I’m a cheap ass and don’t want to pay for entertainment.” Simple.
Yea I was real worried those vetted children that got banned were going to blow me up in my sleep...
We may not have done the same thing at Telltale, but I certainly agree with this statement and am impressed by Insomniac for having said so.
I appreciate the message, but the standing there looking angry thing, as much as that’s a thing, distracts the hell out of me.
I was referring to her body fat, not her thick clothing; dude, calm down. If anything, I was agreeing with you.
Nah. Most people (myself included) are far too entrenched in our comfort and prosperity to actively fight for something in any way besides internet activity and occasional protests in the streets of our local cities.
Welcome to Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics that usually occurs on Sunday except…
Yeah, they apparently haven’t found anyone to cover MOBAs since Yannick left.
“harder than Russian trigonometry”, I’ll save this one for later and use it after a romantic dinner
In fairness, the phrase was “many women,” not all women (whether or not that’s any more accurate, I don’t know, because I’m not a woman). But mostly I wanted to comment on the perfect synergy between your screenname and your comment.
Back in stock, but shipping after Christmas. :(
Back in stock, but shipping after Christmas. :(
Such a great tabletop experience.
Such a great tabletop experience.
Because people like to be offended. They like to be victims. And they’ll draw any conclusions they can to try to convince you that they’re victims. Some people seek out things to offend them, and that is one of those people.
I got yelled at one time for saying that a acquaintance of mine was a lesbian because she was in a relationship with a girl at the time (and I didn’t know of her being with anyone else). For people like me who are ignorant on such matters, why is that a such a terrible conclusion to make given the circumstance? I…
I’m a straight white dude, so maybe I’m way off base here and have no idea what I’m talking about.
Shouldn’t we not celebrate when a character’s sexuality isn’t portrayed in an exploitative manner? It always seems weird to me when any media goes out of it’s way to make a point about a character being gay or bi or…
For people who have played both Risk Legacy and Pandemic Legacy: My group is currently a bit over 3/4 of the way through PL and I’m curious how RL holds up in comparison? I really dig PL and I’d like to keep the Legacy train rolling, but I keep hearing bad things about SeaFall.
For people who have played both Risk Legacy and Pandemic Legacy: My group is currently a bit over 3/4 of the way…
Meh. Everybody in my group kicked in 10 bucks when it first came out, and I think we’d all agree the cost was worth it. Is 5 bucks a person that much of an investment?
Meh. Everybody in my group kicked in 10 bucks when it first came out, and I think we’d all agree the cost was worth…
From a practical person: $27 / 15 / 5 = $.36 per person per play. People really shouldn’t bitch about this game and playing it.
From a practical person: $27 / 15 / 5 = $.36 per person per play. People really shouldn’t bitch about this game and…
You can play it as much as you like beyond the main game which is well worth 27 bucks for 15 games anyway.
You can play it as much as you like beyond the main game which is well worth 27 bucks for 15 games anyway.
I’d like more. Besides that though you can still play it beyond the “end”.
I’d like more. Besides that though you can still play it beyond the “end”.