
Eh that may be the case but he looks pretty damn sad.

The level of sass in that reply just made the rest of my week.

I know a lot of people complaint that everything gets fixed in patches after release and the company should of just waited to release the game. To me though I don’t see the difference, except with one way I get to enjoy some aspects of the game before the patch releases!

See that’s the problem you never need to avoid an enemy completely in HoTs because they CAN’T get ahead of you by a rediculous amount like in other mobas. HoTs isn’t about outfarming the other team it is very directly about outplaying them as a team.

See I don’t get that because in LoL or DoTa you get yelled at for not picking the cookie cutter items from the shop (which you had to memorize from some website beforehand most likely), except in a few occassions where you get different items to counter the enemy (which in HoTs you do the exact same thing with talent

I can’t quite tell if you are serious or not...

My pretentious meter just exploded.

If you don’t think Fallout 4 looks good I can’t imagine what you would want them making instead. Fallout 4 which was also announced?

As much as I would love a Warcraft 4 I’m very happy we have Heroes and Hearthstone, I’m sure I’ve put more hours into each of them than I would W4 with years more of playing each to go. Free to play doesn’t have to mean bad.

Is his point that really well made and fun, addictive games are lazy cash grabs? Because all I’m getting from this is he doesn’t like MOBAs so now he is salty for no reason.

Does it get you hard to be a dick?

Does it get you hard to be a dick?

Have played Fallout and Skyrim day one and seen them both played on xbox and PC and have never encountered game breaking bugs, these are mostly rare occurrences (yes even 100 videos of a bug still makes it rare) . I don’t usually pre order but I’m going to pre order this game SOLELY to spite you and your “The system

Have played Fallout and Skyrim day one and seen them both played on xbox and PC and have never encountered game

I can’t even name 10 games that came out since then..I’ll call it a win in their book.

I’ve played the first 2 around 5 times each does that mean I extra deserve it? That said they are completely different games so why should it matter if people played versions that might no interest them?

I’d hardly call spending 50 dollars on game that can give you more hours of playtime than many 60 dollar AAA games a problem....unless of course he can’t actually afford that 50 easily.

I must say that I’m not pissed. This seems like a fairly uncommon bug.

I don’t have to blow on cds to get then to work...

Think you could of repeated the same question a few more times? Really? I like the feature because you can instantly switch between Netflix and a game without any delay personally.

Most people who like Witcher also like skyrim that I know. I’m not sure what you’re point is except that you’re bitter because you happen to not like and want to attempt to tear down those that do.