
I haven’t even bought unity yet but I’ll probably pre-order this just to spite everyone on here trying to tell me how to spend my money...

There is.

It’s good for me because I get to replay the whole collection (presumably) with my current friends. I’d hardly call me ignorant for wanting to replay a game that came out a decade ago...this is never a bad thing for consumers.

Or just pay people for the massive amounts of time they spent making things you enjoy?

Yea man screw people who spend hours upon hours creating content for you to enjoy! They deserve nothing for the effort!

Too cocky, wish I could downvote.

Not going to lie I'm pretty happy with getting more Dragon Age tomorrow..but I would kill to be able to play Bloodborne instead.

Well kudos for not using the word sheeple but for me and my friends halo mcc was fantastic for the campaigns, which is why I got it.

Oh shush, no one cares.

95%? You have no idea what you're talking about. If it was that luck based you wouldn't have people who consistently go 7+ games every arena run. RNG definitely plays a part but skill is extremely important too, just go watch major streamers like Amaz or Trump and see how they beat people even with subpar draws or

Translating the website aside. Can anyone tell me how difficult purchasing this will be for me in the U.S., from their website that is?

This was a DDOS attack right? It has nothing at all to do with security, no ones information was at risk. They proved nothing really.

Yea but to be fair isn't aren't they just single player games? I've had no trouble playing through the campaign with my friend since launch for MCC. Multiplayer was a wreck though....still worth it just for the single player though and now I get ODST and a month of live out of it.

Oof you and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum. First of all I pay no attention to framerate apparently (I don't notice a game is 30 fps..because I'm not looking for it). DAI is my game of the year hands down though, never have I felt more compelled to do all side content and get 100% completion in a game, in fact

Even if that's true, you could express your thoughts without coming off like a complete putz.

Thats completely opinion though, I'm looking forward to this game because it looks to be a very clean cut and extremely FUN version of TF2 with more than enough differences to make them play like different games.

Not going to lie though I would love it if Blizzard made an empire building game.

Honestly if their is not a single game out their (or coming out in the next few weeks) that you enjoy I think you may be done with gaming. I have absolutely no idea what you could be holding out for at this point.

Maybe it's time to move on and find a new hobby? Try board gaming it's a lot of fun if you have people to

I'm kind of curious as to what kind of game you want them to make..? By your logic they can't make a card game, a side scroller, an mmo, an rpg, an rts, or a moba? What the hell do you want from them?

I guess they should drop everything and cater to you then? There are tons of fantastic single player games out their if you want to play them. Blizzard is known for making great multiplayer games and this one looks to be a lot of fun.

You're trying reallllllyyy hard here to make yourself out to be smarter than everyone else, but I don't think it's working.