
Well if by "hand holding" you mean a coherent story that is actually told through the game and not through an external source....then yea.

Want ...really? Shotguns are OP as all get out in Crucible right now...and this is from a guy who has been using Invectus almost exclusively in Crucible.

Eh you're right that Super Good Advice is complete junk, but the Invective absolutely dominates in PvP if you use it right.

Uh oh someone's bitter!

Wtf are you going on about? The game isn't groundbreaking but it is certainly fun. At least if you have friends to play with you. (Seriously though why no split screen? )

Yea...sure is sad to actually have friends. Good luck with life...

Yea...sure is sad to actually have friends. Good luck with life...

A perk of being part of the master race!

Wow, this is really pretty amazing. Sure the computer isn't playing anything super complex but the fact that it was able to discover and use "exploits" in games that I have spent countless hours on and had never even found is really impressive. Also his ghost dodging skills are awesome.

While I may be able to believe that he actually did no harm to any of these companies I still can't get over the fact that he feels like he hasn't done anything wrong and shouldn't be punished for the crimes he knew he was committing.