Same guys who need to flush their low water use toilets 10-15 times.... according to our Dear Leader
Not *exactly* what I want to see.... for if I see that then something's happened to my legs....
Heck, my airport is like this.
Negative....did not see 😑
Look again.... it's a 2-6-6-6...
Just sold my wife’s 15 year old Golf TDI....115K miles. Interior plastics breaking lwft and right, no heat, but it ran well. The fear of destroying the interior to get to the heater core is why I gave up. She now has a 2020 Civic hatchback...
Do pop up headlights count?
One of these blew up in 1952 when the crown sheet (top of the firebox, essentially right in front of the cab) burned through because of low water. 300 psi water flashed instantly to steam... The resulting force blew straight down, launching the 600,000 lb boiler into the air. It flew 100 yards down the track before…
I’ve always pointed out that Rover....ROVER FFS....came back. If they could do it....then again this is Alfa. Never mind....
Um...he said “IF those things were there”....
Told my spousal unit the othet day that Audi drivers are the new asshat drivers....
All of the above. I (knowingly) bought some hobby stuff that was under 6 feet of the flood water from Hurricane Floyd in 1999. I was able to disassemble and clean said items...and they smelled pretty ripe when they got wet. Hell no on this car...
“What’s an oil pan?” - 99% of Toyota buyers. Or more likely, “What’s oil?”
safetyVW Tiguan SEL has heated wheel. Roomy, comfy. And bog slow with the most annoying intrusive “safety” crap on the planet... but the wheel is heated...
Some loon on VW Vortex is bound to have figured out how to fit fogs...when I put European spec rear fogs on a couple of Passats that I had folks had found the sacred yellow wire part number needed ...ordered it from my dealer, got the right headlight switch, the European tails, and Bob's your uncle. Prowl the forums…