
What better way to force you to an iPhone 5 when it comes out.

So really we should just be mad at the developers for trying to squeeze the extra dough out of us for an HD version of their app. Im just beginning to get into the development game, yes for the money but also for the experience and the fun of it. I promise to be fair with my apps and pricing. Hopefully they turn out

At least to your knowledge

I admit, i blanket read your comment. My point is still valid though. The way the android apps use fragments is a much better approach than making two apps. Usually costing double the price as well.

Well you can either give google the data and get a really cool payment feature out of it or you can continue paying the way you are and the Credit card company, store, and bank can sell the data to someone else (possible even google) and you get nothing for it.

Truth is, if you can use Windows you can use Honeycomb. Menu layouts, settings pages, they are very similar.

Do you really need a point when mentioning Porn

Tell me this... When you suck a dick do you like to pull it out and look at your reflection in your own spit.

That just shows how much you dont know about Android. The Gmail app has whats called "fragments" which allows developers to code in extra features depending on the device. The gmail app is the same across the board. Depending on your screen size the fragments get enabled or disabled. This api was backwards ported to

Simply genius my good man, simply genius. I couldnt agree with you more.

You are basically just blabbing on and on and then call me a troll. Most of what you said makes no sense whatsoever. Obviously what I said about the Nexus line is not associated with the OTA updates from the OEM's and carriers.

The devices that Google directly supports (Nexus S and Nexus One) are the only devices that matter for Google's OTA updates. If Google wasnt able to perform those updates successfully then I would agree with you that they have a problem.

No, there numbers go up because they can get a clear count of iOS devices connected. Obviously each device has a UID and that gets passed as an updated occurs. Each "active" device counts toward their marketshare. If the update isnt forced then there is no way of ensuring each user will actually perform the update. I

Next time you decide to be a smartass why dont you get your facts straight. The OTA update Google sent out a couple of months ago is working just fine. My Nexus 1 and Nexus S both got it. To further disprove you my Nexus S has already gotten the 2.3.4 update OTA as well without any issues. I manually downloaded the

At least she picked a singer that sucks equally as bad as she does.

the guy whos camper off who was whacking

There are computers on planes.

Amen to that


This is exactly how I feel. Google wants all my data but at least they make me feel safe and warm about it. Mark tells you he plans on screwing you over