
Wait, im not sure but did anyone tell you it has Balsamic Vinegar in it. Guys honestly - I dont know if your trying to get your post count up but Clearly 7 people dont need to comment and say the same thing.

Its the same for every company. Motorola talks about it in the open, Apple likes to let things "leak"

Agreed. I love android but its getting really old having to listen to both sides. Unfortunately they give internet access to teenagers.

I would have done worse, much worse

Oh my word, 2 cores is faster than 1.

You havent learned by now. Apple doesnt care what the consumer wants. It tells you what you want. Most likely the reason it does so well in the market. Average consumer is an idiot, just stupid, which is why it is made for the masses. Hell my 3yo nephew uses it without a problem.

Yeah ya did, its obviously a joke and you had to turn it all serious.

HTC always coming out with suprises. Possibly HTC will learn and follow in their footsteps for once

Wow, shutup already. Obviously it was a joke

I heard HTC was thinking about getting onboard but they were going to wait and see what HTC did first

I wonder what the overall success rate is. Obviously it wont reinstall programs like OSX to OSX does. Apple wouldnt be giving you programs for free. You would lose any executables you have. What other critical file types dont work on a Mac.

I see Windows service packs as being "revisions" most of the time they bring new features. I think its all relative though. You win some you lose some. Im noticing a lot of butt hurt in the comments and its kind of stupid and pointless. Who cares as long as your computer is up to date and safe.

Now thats just stupid.

pssh bullshit, try a baby

Dear Google,

Another reason why a closed information system is bad news bears. Google was right to kill contact sync in Gingerbread.

Dear Apple,

Still gonna be pretty hard to keep hitting a database and not be detected. You would have to submit information to 834,273 banks to get approval. Im pretty sure there are only about 4 major banks that own all the smaller credit card companies and what not

oh and my name is Dan Doughty

The last 4 of mine is 1389, I was born in Philadelphia PA on 7/19/84. Show me what you can come up with. Or STFU.