
Will they have chips and queso at this meeting? If not im not going.

I dont know if you know this, but im a genius and i'd be willing to give you one for the team.

Ok, as much as I hate Apple and Steve Jobs, one of those running Win 7 would be amazing.

Whenever I want. I have a real job. Put your McDonalds hat back on, those burgers arent gonna flip themselves.

you have a stiff one in your butt right now dont you


You are completely and utterly retarded. Plain and simple.

Really? no Really? You dont stream your music collection to your music player on your iPhone. So there you fail. The Windows iTunes client does suck, it is laggy and buggy. So there you fail. Android is available on all major carriers, most of which offer network speeds higher than 500kb/s so there you fail. Overall

Yep because iTunes does streaming music, has a truly functional windows client and is also available to Android users.

This just in. Steve Jobs just pooped and wiped his ass. I really never wanted to be that guy that has something negative to say about every Apple post, but when there are so many it makes it really hard not to comment.

You are correct my friend. I was tired and misread it as Nexus S.

No you dont just drive a car engine but the engine is what makes the car move. Since you bought the car for that exact purpose (moving) then it is the biggest decision point. Americans have become so obsessed with the look of things that the functionality has become back burner. I have a 350z. I purchased it without

Interesting. I still think they should though.

Not trying to start and Apple vs XXX war here but. Are you saying you would rather be told what features to use and what features are for you?

I have to agree. They may be smart but at the same time they probably dont have much of a social life. Now Sergey Brin and Larry Page know how to throw a party.

"I believe he still has a VCR at home and it's blinking 12:00"

I was gonna say... You went out of your way to buy a phone that isnt widely available and is known to be a developer phone. Time to stop complaining about the Nexus S. Oh and listen to Dr. What?, best advice ive seen all day

What is so limiting about 300,000 activations daily. Or were you referring to your general business knowledge is limited

As a man, yes I do. What is your point.

Fair enough I apologize for being a jackass