
Same concept as the Phone feature on an iPhone. The iPod Touch cant make phone calls because the hardware cant support it. Grow up

I use the Nook Color (HoneyComb rom) and I get the same damn thing. No people it is not an iPad. Does it have an apple logo on the back. Does the iPad come in this size. It is really really annoying.

I am beginning to wonder if LG licensed the name very similar to Motorola licensing Droid. Would make sense.

Timed very well though. New Transformers movie coming in the next 6 months, release of phones and tablets by LG with "Optimus" trademark. All seems pretty cleaver and well timed to me

I actually found that pretty cool. Animation wasnt too bad and it played very well into their name scheme and their overall objective of beating Apple. Pretty easy to understand

Mosquitoes have been known to kill people

I completely agree that the problem spread because someone said something. Its like a cut, it doesnt hurt until you look at it. The problem is that it is a very real problem. They put the Antennas on the outside of the phone which no one else has done for this exact reason. The VP of hardware left the company a month

Haha Ping was such a joke. Its just as bad as Google Buzz.

I honestly couldnt agree with you more. They do one thing well and that is design. Hell maybe they thought good looking ads would convince you to click on them.

Pick me up one while your at it

Yeah, just like Prius sales took a dramatic turn for the worse. Not. Consumers, globally, are stupid and will buy whatever the next great thing is. At least Toyota had the smarts to recall all their pieces of shit. Maybe if Apple would have done the same they could have stopped all you iPhone 4 users from looking like

Hows your butt feel

The difference is that I couldnt care less if its real or fake. My opinions of Apple are set. They have been for years. I just find it funny how the fanboys think that they can do no wrong.

Yeah, obviously. He couldnt even post a witty reply - just a tag.

No no no, thank you for adding to the conversation.

Wow fanboy much. Someone said something bad about Apple, cant be true, just cant be.

@lucasway89: Its great that you marked yourself as a troll.

Agreed. Way to fish for page views Giz

@AreWeThereYeti: What do you mean the liquor store doesn't take EBT

@holy holes batman: Dont worry, once we capture him there will be enough sushi for everyone. By the looks of it, plenty of calamari as well