
Thats really good. 8.3MBps which is almost double my Frontier Fios. Do you know if yours is dedicated or split?

5 isnt much. Thats like .6 MBps. Which is 600k, thats actually really shitty.

I love how the majority of the people in the comments section are able to make comments on life, love and the future from within the confines of their parents basement. The internet gave everyone a voice and unfortunately you all feel compelled to waste that voice on nonsensical arguments about theatrical fiction.

Vegas offers this, rightfully so. If youre in Vegas for a few days you dont want a hangover ruining the next night for you.

Better have some serious battery life, that surface tension though.

And now you see the problem. You arent stimulating an economy with all that money sitting in a jar. Better get out there and throw those dollars at a stripper

She died bro. He is a widower

Your checking account called, it wants to have a word with you about lying.

Ummm yeah its a Mt Bike, not a road bike. Its fine.

Maybe if they spent time developing better seals rather than DRM on a coffee machine, this shit wouldn't have happened.

Nope I dont believe they should be held accountable at all. That is the point of freedom of speech. We were basically just told by North Korea that we cant talk badly about them or else...

You need a better name than Nick Johnson to fool me on physic abilities. At least add Madam in front of it.

Another movie starring those two with no real plot whatsoever:

Who sold NK 60tb of storage to hold all of that.

The NSA, the FBI, Homeland Security and Local Police. Thats who is responsible for attacks on American soil. That is why we have them in place and that is what our tax dollars are going to protect. It is not Sony's or any other Corporations place to be concerned with such things. Other countries hate us because of the

...then they tell you about the new 440hp V8 twin turbo engine that gets 40mpg. Your argument is wrong. Car companies all talk about specs. Then you have the "badge" at the end to let you know that they arent BSing you because they are known for their quality and performance. I would love to see anyone walk into a car

As far as I know its gone. At least in the beta 5.

well shit, thats it people. Someone already does this, no need to try and compete or make an alternative product. Its done. Im so glad Henry Ford got it right with this model 1 in my driveway.

Umm, I was told there would be a super hot girl in a bikini!

Its exactly what the S4 is. Samsung is coasting right now. They are clearly in the lead and they know it. Why waste innovation when youre not trying to catch up any longer. Apple did this and look where it got them.