
I don't know why you are coming on here to write a quite mean comment under a burner. Yes, we save a lot of money a month. We also budget every fucking dollar coming in and out, buy everything a thrift stores, coupon, make our own everything, eat out only 1-2x a month, and make huge crockpot meals, cloth diaper, etc.

Really? Cuz I didn't know there are 46 million sportcars in the United States.

A big issue is that your service pay does not have a cost of living adjustment like federal service jobs. My husband is active duty and we live in a very high cost of living area. It can get pretty difficult. If we lived in Arkansas, we wouldn't have a problem.

"Unfortunate?" Oh honey. No, no, no, no.

I'm getting married in... shit, less than three months, and I like to think I'm quite reasonable. My take on the matter has always been that everyone else is doing me a favor. Literally nobody else on the face of the planet cares about my wedding as much as I do, and the people who show up anyway - never mind the ones

Gee, I can't imagine why she's been blown off by so many people in the past.

This bride is delusional if she thinks any of these friends give a shit in the first place.

6. If your [sic] only going to show up for food and alcohol and really have no interest other than that

I'm guessing those details were mentioned because her lawyer used them as part of her defense. Those are not unusual sorts of things for an article about a criminal case to mention and even if they're true they don't excuse her behavior.

"On the one hand, it's her body and her decision."

I absolutely can expect the couple who created this child to take responsibility for him. He is their son. We have a term for people who do what they are doing: dead beat parents. Men do it all the time- I'm sure you've heard if MRAs who want to be able to force women to abort or not pay child support. Refusing to

Oh, I'm not saying she should be coerced into an abortion. But for example, what if this situation were to happen in the US? Let's say the surrogate and family had a prior agreement to terminate should the baby have a severe birth defect. The surrogate has every right to renege and not abort, since I think forced

"...due to a catastrophic birth defect." realize that the whole point of surrogate is because you want a baby, correct? And you realize the parents never even bothered to get in direct contact with their surrogate? The only assholes here are the "parents."

I agree. Your home country sounds more progressive and where abortion could be sought if need be. Unfortunately, for this Thai woman, Oz parents latched onto her because it's no doubt cheaper and then bailed when they found their child had DS despite stranding the poor woman in a country where abortion is illegal.

No. Women carrying children in their bodies have veto power over whether those pregnancies continue. Even poor women who are surrogates. Just as all men have to accept this, rich bio parents using surrogates have to as well.

That just seems cold as Hell to me. I won't leave a stray dog out in the rain. My own egg and husband's sperm??? I understand better than a lot of people the burden a disabled child puts on you. But they didn't even care to make sure he was okay? They could have surrendered him to a foster home in Australia.

She's an asshole? She's 21 and seems to have pretty much no education. She was desperate for money. The less educated you are, the more likely you're going to think abortion is murder. They shouldn't have been exploiting her and trying to get around Australian laws (that are quite obviously, there for a reason).