
At least show an actual EastBurn grilled cheese and not a Denny's one. I don't know why that matters given the story, but I feel surprisingly strongly about it.

In Canada we also put 'U's in favour, colour, etc. And we say grade 9 instead of 9th grade. Sporting match vs. game is probably a 50/50 split. We're not picky about that. Basically, we speak the queen's English here. :P

And then he nodded, satisfied with his list and convinced that he had hit the basic deal-breakers. Then he put on his fedora, went online, and complained that no women ever want to date such a nice guy like him.

If this guy is in Toronto, I definitely encountered him when I was online dating. And unless there are two guys with almost identical ridiculous lists of dealbreakers, this is definitely that Torontonian. My brush with fame.

Amazing. A person who doesn't like people who "belittle" trans people yet in the very next statement writes something that is incredibly belittling to trans people. Holy fucking shit.

Victims of rape lie all the time. They do it out of shame, because they blame themselves, they don't want to cause trouble, or whatever. She is so young and immature (as everyone is as a teenager and I've only begun to appreciate now that I'm in my late 20s) that she lied because she didn't want to get him in

He acknowledged to law enforcement that she told him to stop several times but

I want to make sure I understand. So schools are legally required to do their own investigation in addition to the police investigation. What would be the outcome? I mean, other than kicking the perpetrator out of school, (which, of course, would be the ideal outcome) they don't really have any way to impose

That and pain and pleasure moans can sound completely indistinguishable. She may have orgasmed or she may have been screaming or his friend may be lying. But we know she was raped :(

I'm sorry people are dicks. Please enjoy this picture of a well-intended but kinda scary rainbow candy cake:

His. And I don't know that he's being shamed. But I'm sure that if he wanted those 200 students to see nude pictures of himself he would have sent them. I'd like to live in a world where that decision were left to him, and him alone, to make. But I guess we'll see how it goes.

It helps to read the story...even just a little.

Unless I'm misreading, the photos were of a male teacher. "Mr. Rosa ..."

No, not that this is an example of socialism. If it were socialism the town would have appropriated all of the local gas stations and completely centralized the distribution process.

Oh man, so many idiots around here, it feels like Jezebel!

Technically, no business needs to make a profit to exist, so long as it tallies up all the costs of existing as expenses. You need a profit to grow, but not to exist.

I see you fail at reading comprehension. Maybe you should of actually read the article before posting this. The title is misleading but he later states in the article that it is not true socialism.

I know it's hard to read the entire post before you comment, but try your best, okay?

This won't work. It's better to give money to rich to people because rich people knows how to spread the wealth.