
She was offered the option to become a companion before the villain of the story was defeated. Guaranteed death sentence. Just look back over the last 8 series. Happens EVERY time.

10 hours....aaand I'm all set with that. Raid gear starts knocking apart PvP balance and I'm done with Destiny.

Destiny is a ton of fun and has made significant sales. These meta critic based bonuses need to fucking stop. It's abusive to the developers and stifles creativity.

TCGs should not change cards. You either release new ones or ban the use of broken ones. Ideally you balance them before they're released broken.

Hey's that debilitating DRM working out for you?

I feel REALLY bad about how terribly Superman Returns screwed up Routh's career. He could've been THE PERFECT Superman...but Singer screwed it up instead of rebooting the franchise right.

Bioware needs to really stop stepping into this trap. LGBT gamer community gets mad that there aren't enough LGBT characters. Bioware makes them, announces it; gets burnt for making a big deal over having LGBT characters in came and/or makes minor mistep in wording and gets people angry again.

It's a shame...but they don't seem to be interested in changing it...


If you take a close look at the video, you'll see that the guy actually crafted the curves of the bowls and ramps by clipping numerous metal plates through each other. Essentially sculpting a massive structure that floats high above his actual house.

He doesn't look THAT bad...he just needs a haircut.

I am surprised by the lack of Wolf Among Us.

Second this with a note for the variation of the Stealth model with the Brown Switches.

The villain based events you were thinking of were: "Underworld Unleashed" and Final Crisis....the second of which was actually marketed as "the day evil won".
So I'm definitely with you guys when you're expressing fatigue over seeing the same story done again and again.

Scandal! Caught playing iPhone game in a8+ hour work day - worst of all I got FIRED!

Good prediction. Honestly have been thinking the same for a while now....Still don't know why they put the buttons in the MIDDLE of the device where it's going to hurt to hold it though.

That button placement is ridiculous. Why Nintendo, why?

Who. The Fuck. Cares?
Seriously. With respect, Patricia: This is the basest sort of tag along garbage. It's a sorry excuse for journalism and a cheap play at web-clicks and I believe you're better than this.