Skye Fargo

Great. Now all he needs is a tracking device and a large spinning mirror. Oh, and a B-1 bomber.

If you live and work in New York City, you should not be allowed to carry a backpack unless you are absolutely willing to take off said backpack the second you enter the subway and leave it off the entire time you’re on the train. Nothing is worse than Oblivious Backpack Guy, taking up an entire person’s worth of

Holy shit!!! I’m so glad it’s not just me, That is the worst commercial ever!! It literally makes me cringe every time I see it. And all this time I felt guilty about despising it, like that made me a puppy hater or something. Thanks mate.

I can’t speak for all types of stretches for all people in all cases, but when I suffered through a bout of plantar fasciitis, a steady routine of targeted stretching was the only effective treatment. Now that I’m more attuned to minor pains in my feet, I notice that if I get lazy with my stretching the pain begins to

TOTALLY not Khan....

What if Jon snow comes back but it’s not Kit harington? Could take over another person’s body.

Why not put a button for page turns and have it connect to book apps via the Bluetooth? Might need their own eBook app if the current ones won’t play nice. The occasional signal via LE bluetooth has to be less than your phones screen and then you can read your book in direct sunlight without another device and use

I have the surge too. I noticed treadmill issues as well-you can calibrate your step distance which should give you a more accurate reading, but my reading is actually very accurate on an outdoor track so I'm thinking the treadmill is a little off, but if you want to test it out for yourself here's the article to

As a new parent and also a Browns fan, I did the opposite and filed a restraining order to keep them away from my kid.

I'd like to see someone like Joe Dante try and adapt The drive-In books. Absolute craziness!

You can calibrate the Surge to get more accuracy for treadmill runs and walks without GPS. You need to go into your fitbit dashboard and setting on a browser (not the mobile app), and then set your average stride lengths (2 separate settings for running and walking). After I did that, the treadmill and the Surge were

What, no "Dr. Feelgood" on that list? For shame, Drew, for shame.

Could have been worse. Had it been during the playoffs, A-Rod would have shit the bed.

Aww looks like somebody didn't get into Newhouse

The incessant whining whenever coaches aren't bffs with the media is getting old. See: torts, boeheim, *insert Boston coach here*, Andy Reid, etc. Nobody outside of the sports media actually cares