Skye Fargo

I used to be an acquisitions editor and cold-called him years ago, after those clips first went viral, to see if there was a book there. We couldn’t find enough common ground for a project, but the dude was absolutely fascinating.

Any insight into the Mike Marshall school of pitching? His academic perspective on kinesiology seemed impressive and it produced some great video clips. Did his guys just not make an impact?

Upstairs neighbor liked to regularly throw midweek parties until well past 2AM. I’d make the walk and politely ask her to turn things down, only to be greeted by absolute bitch face and eventually the volume would find its way back up. So be it.


Are isolates then of use to diabetics keeping to low glycemic-load consumption?

Have dropped 55 since October, my third 30+ pound drop over the past seven years:

Did she get an official Steiner Sports Certificate of Authenticity? It might be worth something. At the least, if she tosses it on her garden she'll get some super-sized tomatoes.

giving away an immunity idol (-15)

By contrast ***Barest of Book Spoiler to Follow*** what made the book work more than anything else was its relentless pacing, and it's only when you get past page 1,000 and approach the end to realize that everything you just read took place over the course of a single week that it really sinks in how balls out