
@kake81: I was ripping apart the head of a late 70's Lincoln Town Car (or some other massive Ford) at a pick 'n pull once when the weather suddenly decided to be a dick and start dumping buckets of rain, then hail. I just hunkered down alongside the engine, closed the hood, and kept working.

@OMGItsWeasel: Obviously, that's what it takes to buy a Porsche in the first place. Hurr hurr.

@Spaceboy: Hehe, I was the jerk older sibling, so I couldn't say. O:)

I've never owned a TG-16 and as a result never played the Bonk games. Are they pretty awesome?

I thought we learned how to play SMB3 by watching The Wizard?

Locally, Frys. They are the best organized (which admittedly isn't saying much, but it's still not bad), and their regular prices are fair. They also will hold onto games FOREVER until they sell. They still have copies of Final Fantasy IX for PSX at a couple of the nearby locations! Also if a game seems like it will

@Tom: For some reason my mind immediately processed it as "What the fuck? Harpooned!"

@Syrax: I wanted that truck so bad when I first saw the movie in theaters. Course I was 7 at the time, so wasn't much chance of that happening...

I was going to say Mia and Tia from Cars just to keep up my "Miata is the answer to everything" schtick, but I really need to give out the AMC love and vote for the Pacer from Wayne's World.

Or it could just, you know, be fun.

@DanTheMagnum: "Press buttons, do things." should be on a t-shirt.

@greyfoxhound18: Sounds like my love/hate relationship with the Megaman games.

@CMW89: Well try to keep the sequels to a minimum please. ;)

Also, Capcom should really get to work on that Gummi Bears game, there some serious platformer potential there.

Now playing

Acclaim sorta had him beat by a few years on Airwolf.

Silly rasterfarians, vector graphics will ALWAYS be that exciting.

@fx4d: Good, was afraid I was going to have to add an "old fart" tag to my computer jokes now...

@DanTheMagnum: It doesn't help that Nintendo is the only real face of gaming. Yes, Sony and Microsoft are right in the thick of things, but they're too big to be thought of as gaming companies. MS is still that place that makes Windows, and Sony is the company that makes Walkmans and TVs. I've even heard much

It really sounded like you were wanting to hate it and had to go find things to complain about.

@Kobun: And that's my soda all over the keyboard...gotta stop reading comments during lunch...