
@Prinny1God: I would be faster with it than i am with Androids touch keyboard.

I wonder if it will have the option of PlayStation style text input in addition to touchscreen keyboard?

@DanTheMagnum: Yup, that's also why they made the US NES try to look like a betamax VCR.

Excessive? Maybe if it was all for one console. You need to tell these people that what you have is a "library."

@knobmonster: Now I'm giggling at the thought of someone writing an equivalent article about their same-sex relationship experiences.

Remember when they were called "Video Computer Systems" or "Family Computers?"

" took advantage of in designing a processor that can perform tens of thousands of calculations simultaneously using sloppy arithmetic."

Hewlett-Packard did embedded Tetris before it was cool.

@Angryrider: Jet is not sure that he likes the name of this game.

@IG-64: I'm waiting for the train to Morrow.

@Outrider: Well if you were to go with the PS2 comparison, it would be like counting a PS2 with the Eye Toy as a completely different system than the PS2. There are Eye Toy only games, after all. Then what about the lack of HDD capability in the PS2 Slim? There are a whole slew of FFXI players that wont go near the

All four use the same games (with only a few exceptions), so of course it counts.

@AthleticSupporter: The "mystery gift" option seeks out a gift giver via wi-fi. So we didn't have to go into the store, just had to be close enough to get signal. By creeping by the Gamestop in the car we were able to snag raiku on all three systems.

Yesterday my girlfriend and I snagged the special event Raiku for our various Pokemon games. Here's a crappy cell pic of my phat, XL, and her Lite piled on her lap hunting for the wifi spot. Yeah, we're nerds. :D

@atlas304: Couldn't reach it from a parking spot, but when I had the car creep by in the lane in front of the store we got it. Your experience may vary depending on where in the store they put the wifi doo-dad.

My girlfriend and I got our Raikus in a GameStop driveby. You don't really need to go INTO the store, just be in wi-fi range.

@ZanipoloLebron: Lake Nyos was the place. It had a CO2 buildup due to seepage from the volcano beneath it.

Be genuinely interested. Especially if you'll be working on a product as opposed to a service. Nobody wants to hire a person who couldn't care less about the quality of a product they'll be working on.