
But then as you sit an admire the glowy cave, a creeper manages to sneak up behind you.

@Vintage: You sit there and you watch that video, or no dessert for you! :D

To be fair this is the first time After Years will be on a Sony device. You guys missed that part.

@Koolaider: The AFL they've joined is different than the one they were originally a part of, so any contract EA had wouldn't apply.

@DukesDawg: IIRC, '06 was the only year EA put out Rugby in the US, mostly just to test the waters for sales.

@Beasy: I haven't played that game yet, so dunno what character you mean (don't tell me, I like spoiler free :), but at least you and others get the idea.

@Legs McGee: Forced diversity gives me the jibblies. If someone wants a decent gay character in their game, it will happen. Forcing it would just make it weird and likely insulting to everyone.

@forsinain42: The first time I saw that (on the Castro within a week of my moving to the bay area) the feeling that sprung to my mind was a sense of freedom.

"...Phantom Ray took off St. Louis on December 13..."

@wjbean: Remember the things that were like the Foreman, but you put sandwiches in them and you get what amounted to a pair of triangular hot pockets out? Yeah, my mom bought one of those when they first appeared and went overboard cooking every possible thing that resembled a sandwich. There were so many

@macpatrik: Mine can't do anything more complicated than microwave without hurting herself. So I tend to do more of the cooking purely out of interest of not having a girlfriend who is not only hot, but also on fire.

Batter blaster sounds like a horrible euphemism. O_O

Damn it Jalopnik, why you gotta be like that?

@Kakkoii: they siphoned it from the frech.