
Get ready for Tran Week!

Well now there's a WTF of the moment. I am amused. Tee hee.

@ZanipoloLebron: Real Genius is at least one step up from "Acceptable" and if you don't agree with me you'll find your car parked on your bed with the hazards on. :)

@romevi04: He had a thing for velvet, there was a direction mention of it at one point where he says something along the lines of "If it were socially acceptable I would DRAPE myself in velvet!"

@Mooglecharm: She's an ex head of one of the windurstian ministries. She's involved in a number of quests and missions in the main storyline (no expansions), then recently was the spotlight in a mini expansion "A Shantotto Ascension."

@Twyst3d: Didn't bother me, but at the same time it still reflects poorly on the Gawker clan.

@Twyst3d: Well the main difference is here you can read the news AND have your password stolen at the same time! Very convenient.

@RyanXP: America! Fuck yeah!

@SuicidalEarthworm: The X Arcade sticks are the best for that. They just have a crapload of buttons.

Velvet? George Costanza approves.

I think the Mazdaspeed 3 should win an award for making me less hostile towards FWD.

I think leaving a gearbox on somebody's doorstep is my new favorite prank.

Yeah, jet pack would've been way better.

@benihime: Duh. Oregon Trail and Where in the World is Carment Sandiego!

@Mooglecharm: FFXI has a number of characters with character. Most notable of which is Shantotto, I'm pretty sure that's why she and her attitude made it to Dissidia.

@StarkRavingMad: I will totally vouch for the PS2 generation of FF's, having beaten ten and twelve (ten was beaten fairly recently too), as well as still being well embroiled in FFXI.

@Lockgar: I would recommend against using that as a pick up line.

Who wants to bet Blizzard really wasn't expecting this to go on this long? I bet they were hoping to simply squash the company in legal fees and have their legal precedent.