
How can we see that it's the light affecting it and not simply the light heating up the solution enough for the object to float on a thermal?

I thought you said there was Cloud in this game, I didn't see a single buster sword!

Tastes great!

@RealmRPGer: The persistent world aspect could exist as a glorified scoreboard. In Battletech: 3025 (which I still wish had actually been released), the quick, Mechwarrior style skirmishes that a player took part in determined ownership of planets in regions of the Inner Sphere. The more planets the players House had,

Now playing

Well obviously we just need to have our own Video Grammies!

@Greyspectre: "...but I just don't find the art book very appealing when I'm about to go into the game and see the art in action."

Not bad, I hope there's a button on the other side though.

@Zinger314: You're not gonna get any help from me on this quest. You see, I just don't give a fuck.

@jayntampa: Kind of a long name for the members card.

@freedomweasel: Liquid metal slime, the most aggravating pile of goo that exists in DQIX. Lots of exp, but they tend to run away before you get a chance to clobber them proper-like.

@Yossarian: I'd watch out, you've got Starscream as your icon here....

I swear to god if one more of these little bastards runs away, I'm gonna rage quit this damn game.

@SuddenImpact: I'm of the opinion that "idiot" is purely comparative, so once we are rid of the lower tier of idiots, the next smartest tier then becomes the idiots.

Looking at all these, and I have to say they don't need traffic signals, they just need less idiots. What's with people standing out in the middle of the street? Then there's are the people are crawling along and still manage to bump each other. Really guys, stopping never occured to either of you?