
@Oliver: To keep up with the 31 Miatas.

@Octomac: In Gran Turismo the Ruf brand is used to represent Porsche since EA got an exclusive license with them for Need for Speed. What that status of that license is nowadays I can't say for sure, and it only applies to Porsche as VW and Audi are still represented.

@MaWeiTao: Porsche is represented via Ruf, as it always is in Gran Turismo. Chances are, EA still has the lock on the Porsche license.

It's surprising how many of these I see with the stereotypical white trash drivers or at stereotypical locations. Did the Shadow replace the K-car?

@Scrotor: Any opinion I have is invalidated by the fact that I use an ad blocker and therefore provide Gawker with no income aside from whatever traffic is generated by my zillions of epically awesome comments.

@carolinamarcg: Of course not, some of us actually WORK for a living. Har har.

@Howunfortunate: A stationary pack would actually be a pretty cool prize. Especially if it was like writing utensils and a notebook packed in with an RPG. FFXIV had a journal, but it's really too pretty to want to write in, they should've gone with more of a Trapper Keeper sorta thing.

The preorder prize for BBS was PSP decals. So stickers aren't a new thing for Kingdom Hearts.

@Marc Villanova: Oh well that's good, though I'll still complain it's not the '10/'11. Course if they did, the game would probably get delayed again. :P

@dowingba: Derp. I'd said 26 at first, then noticed the 5 Roadsters and changed the first part of the post, forgetting I'd repeated myself for dramatic effect.

31 Miatas? Twenty. Six. Miatas.

@mdo7: Nope.

It's more like a sense of disgust points me towards a burger. I simply dislike most veggie dishes at restaurants. It's like they just threw some crap together cause the colours were pretty without any thought towards flavour. Thinking about eating something I don't want kinda makes my gut clench. So I order the thing

Now playing

In this fashion though, arguments are good. No it's on someone else to come up with some sort of test to solidly refute the evidence provided.

@Louis Suvoy: Oooh, wait, that's even better! Use the plain key and it's a Fiesta, use the Boss key and it transforms Gadgetmobile style, into a Boss Mustang!

This is a cool idea, but being the greedy little turd I am, I want more. Specifically I would like a third setting that would make it act like it has considerably less power. Call it "valet mode," but it would also be useful at times when you just want to keep yourself honest on the road.