
I'm surprised the SSR is on this list. I honestly thought the only problem with this vehicle was the obsurdly inflated price tag.


@DeadnBuried: Sure there are! They're all gaijin. :D

@Suzaku: Bonus points for saying Faris instead of Galuf. Galuf was cool and all, but pirate lady! How can you go wrong with pirate lady!

Obviously the solution is to simply throw all yer crap into the recycle bin. If they're that desperate to have the bins used, then they can do the sorting their own damn selves.

Nocturnal pleasure......?

Video of that Lamb Chop at Congress thing or it didn't happen.

Awesome, I can pretend to be Bit!

@eXo: I'm the same way about the word "retarded." To me a mentally disabled person is exactly that, disabled in some fashion. A retarded person is someone without such disabilities, but either doesn't use or simply refuses to use their intelligence in conversation and/or decision making.

@Setzer IIDX: What if it was also a preorder prize?

@Scandinavian Flick: Awww, but I love seeing the things there. I want to make one some day myself.

The best part about this 'drome? It's not on fire!

Wow, looks like he's wearing underoos on his face. Congrats there buddy.