
@gochomoe: Or a picture of it parked somewhere with the wings unfolded taking up five parking spaces.

Tesla Roadster

Simple solution: Just give your babies Powerthirst!

@mespme: Actually I kinda wonder if they might actually be 360 users who were ticked that they had to get a ps3 for the game when it then turns out they coulda saved themselves a few hundred bucks. Reading some of the translations, that would make more sense.

@LordDisco: I don't blame 'em, I wanted a larger screen myself. I'm very happy with my XL.

"Of course, Sony then points out "Modern HDTVs unfortunately have much more latency, usually on the order of 60-160ms""

I'm impressed that DSi sales are split 50/50 with the plain and XL.

Oh look, a box lunch.

@TJF588: I approve of Trion and the CC Yuke.

@Wirbelwind: No no, not Warmech (but yeah, I totally failed on forgetting him), I meant the random npc guards that stood by the teleporters.

@Patrick Boyle: Thank you, I was totally trying to remember his name cause he would work well. Or Aldo.

@Setzer IIDX: I'd laugh my ass off if they did that and he had the bat too.

@Corwen: Yesh, Quina! Do want. Or Kimahri, either would fit the blue mage role.

I'm surprised that people can't think of other characters for the first three in the series.

@archronos: What, didn't you like Kingdom Hearts 358/2*68/56%ΒΌ*5<32*square root of your mom Days?

@FlameCell: I would do that while making the same expression as your user icon. :D