
my V is a sassy black woman with a penis

what exactly, is a generational curse?

i fucking miss glick so much

understatement of the century

friendly reminder; anyone can be a bigot, even if they are gay.

you need help.

I’m officially too old for this shit.

who would buy this? it just looks like a hyundai.

so far, all the vinfast defenders seem to use the term “punching down” when defending the brand. sounds like they are all reading from the same script.

the owner of vinfast practically owns Vietnam, and he sues people who gives bad reviews of his shitty cars.

I didn’t evem know that was a thing. I assumed anyone who would buy a vinfast is probably a shitty driver on top of being stupid.

sooooo many airbnb and vrbo renters talk about getting hosed and taken advantage of by clients while simultaneously running a business on land that isnt zoned for business. rules for thee, etc etc etc.

Is your rental is compliant with local zoning laws?

Anti-bride or not, you’re still being sold a fantasy that isn’t worth the cost of admission.

“I have to go now, my child child sex workers need me.”

she deserves 20 years. this goes way beyond arson.

no dedicated space for a purse in the center console? pass

guns are cool, and everyone should have them. nothing bad ever happens when there's easy access to guns!!!!

read a little about the owner of vinfast, and you won't be feeling as much sympathy.

I live in toronto and I saw a vinfast on the highway while driving to work. I gave it a lot of space because the driver wouldn’t stay in their lane.