
ugh, I’m not much of a history guy, but reading this just makes me feel so shitty.


probably not, insurance would get paid out, and they might come out ahead.

call me crazy, but if I don't want to drive, I'll take public transit.

Pumping gas in the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter

the point I’m making is that the park rule is written not because a few people can, but because most people can’t.

and some people are safe to drive when they’re drunk, that doesn’t mean we should allow drunk driving. laws and rules exist because the majority of people are not highly skilled [offroad] drivers and cannot be trusted to make the safe choice.

did it go vroom? inquiring minds want to know.


its a limited edition, the didn't make many of that specific trim.

uhhhh, bad logic.

employees at the dealership are just that, employees. they aren’t contractors, the business doesn’t get to say “we have no affiliation with this person”, they hired, vetted and paid this person to do a job.

you seem to be creating a persona of an angry commenter. maybe that will work? this comment is shit, a weak example of what it was and also in comparison to others. your comments are shit. but congrats, some cool people might reply to you.

geeze, what a Wadsack.

I’m going to reiterate what they said; very right wing behavior.

woah, you're still here? didnt you say you were leaving?

short tesla.

the owner sounds like a real KAQ.

no, a free market allows youtube (a private company) to moderate the content on their website/service however they wish, which enables them to compete better in the free market.

Me firing a 3D printed pink glock that I made? Age-restricted. We don’t need kids watching that. We want kids watching people getting blown up by mines. Love it. Awesome.”