
please enlighten us

why do right wingers always out themselves?

okay but you just wrote a research paper to prove your own point that research papers are useless.

cars shouldn’t just choose when to follow the law.

gay people can be flawed assholes just as much as straights

its a joke headline

you can only get the reward if you were level 20. that's why they were annoyed, you took up a slot when someone eligible could have actually gotten the reward.

yeah, I wish our money was worth that much.

yes sir I like it!

okay, good thing you dont have to play it.

one thing is for sure, the Beatles wouldn't find it cool.

that is not Lil NasX

oh I miss Phil Hartman so much  he always committed 100% to his roles, he was always “on”, even when the cameras weren't rolling.

cartoons from Japan are only anime if you aren’t from Japan.

which is exactly what she wants. she doesn't care about abortion, she just wants to win and feel special. not so unbelievable considering her choices.

advertisers like moderation because it helps prevent their products from being associated with nazis.

that’s some childish, schoolyard logic right there. something tells me if this article went up without pics, you’d be complaining about a lack of evidence.

username checks out

sounds cool, but no single player or bot matches? I think we are seeing history repeat itself.

he didn't even write the sign though!