
oh, thats greasy

low resolution textures

you don't know what you're talking about.

but now all the “good guys” can “be there for her”

irony is quoting the brady bunch while calling someone old.

twitch doesnt seem to know what should be on their platform, so what makes you an expert? and the request to not murder her is a valid one. please dont do it

tell us you’re transphobic without saying you're transphobic.

live ammo or blanks doesnt matter, Brandon Lee died of the Crow because a blank firing weapon had debris in the barrel.

they are always tatting on themselves.

because he’s a washed up, wife-beating actor who has been playing the same character since Fear and Loathing and Las Vegas.

yep, it’s the old “natural remedies” snake oil pitch

I’m man, so my opinion on this subject isn’t helpful or necessary... but Cisco women is some good autocorrect

But, Meek says, “I don’t believe a trans person should have to disclose they’re trans.”

its terrifying to know that people like this are on the road, driving. that’s why parents always said “look out for the other guy” when I'd drive away... no matter how good of a driver you are, nothing will protect your from a bad driver.

you know who should have that info, and then make an appropriate response? the police, not some guy who thinks he’s the law. he didn’t investigate, or look this guy up, he just made a snap decision.

the end is nigh

you are a tremendous cry baby

google didn’t make chrome, they just reskinned it. Microsoft based their new browser on the open source Chromium browser.

Thats your choice to make. the problem here is that people should be allowed to pick the apps they want to use without be harangued or cajoled by Microsoft.

Why make note of karl Lagerfeld’s views if you’re still going to write about the event? All that does is make you look like a hypocrite.