
Trucks. Big trucks, with smokey stacks for manly men.

Uncharted was fun because you got to play as someone aping Indiana Jones. making a movie out of a game based on a movie... is pretty dumb.

you’re painting with a broad brush.

I’m a submissive white man, and this piece brings up all the reasons I feel guilt about being this way.

metallic hydrogen!!!

actually, recidivism rates are very high in the American penal system


he didnt hurt anyone, he didnt steal anything, he just got pilloried because Nintendo has money

Wolf Blitzer: I feel personally attacked

can we hook this ai to a real car?

sorry but no. I’m a Canadian, and when indiginous people put up a blockade in the middle of nowhere to protest the loss of their water rights, they take the full force of the RCMP with very little hesitation. these ignorant morons shut down the economy in the MOST POPULOUS province in Canada, and the cops are

considering that many of these courses are remakes from much older games, so really, they look fine.

so the problem is that they are white, that's a legit criticism.

no, masks need to stay because you can have the virus, and spread it to others, who then travel through AIRPORTS. Too much exposure.

not really sure what to call it, but it was quite common to blow up dead people with rockets in quake, UT, and half-life

no, because you can do these sames schemes with any other currency.

spotify has always sucked.

prisons have no incentive to prevent recidivism. they make money when they come back to jail.

wow, the hot takes in this comment section are nuts. why do we feel a need to critique how the the author and her husband look in the photo?

“And the reason why Taito still lives, nobody knows.”