
care to elaborate?

You’re wrong.

More like, Flu Trux Klan amirite?

unserious is an insult?

women are more than their husbands. She can have her own opinions, dont blame her for what he did.


they’re pretty huge in SFV

I’m surprised the PS5 even has 14 games

Kotaku? more like KoTICKu amirite?

is it racist to assume that asians arent capable of being racist without white influence?

honestly, I think Kotick is gonna leave because he did his job. he came in, sucked all the fun (what was left of it) out of the job, turned the company into a ruthless profit machine at the expense of the workers... which is exactly what he said he would do. and now the business is getting bought. if I was Bobby, I’d

we wouldn’t be relying on schools to determine what is and isnt sexual assault if the actual courts were effective at punishing abusers. they are not, post secondary schools are private businesses, and they are doing what they need to do to appeal to their clients; students who do not want to be sexually assaulted.

due process relates to specific steps within the certain American courts. it has no meaning outside of those courts. to impose due process measures onto entities outside the court system would require government oversight and codification of laws into private businesses (post secondary schools, corporations, businesses

NFT’s will likely outlive and be worth more than kotaku.

okay so, this judge has raped someone

you took the bait

not enough space!

The most interesting detail about this game is that pokemon are attacking people.

Cops are terrorists.

big tough boys get to play with toys